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Inspectors have reported DS Construction to the tax administration of the suspicion of possible infringement of the rules.

It made the authority after an inspection 21. november on the now well-known construction site in Nørrebro.

The Extra Leaf tell on the basis of an access from the working environment authority.

On the building, there shall be a 33 subsidized homes for the elderly, had the DS Construction and an unknown number of eastern european craftsmen employed. The building society worked in the square until Monday of last week. Anger stilladsarbejdere made violent riots, which eventually ended with the totalentreprenøren terminated the cooperation with DS Construction.

When everything was still joy and gammen at the construction site, got DS Construction visits by the labour inspectorate.

during the visit to fled one of the employees into a van registered in Lithuania, despite the fact that the broadcast had expressed that they would like to speak with him.

But it succeeded the labour inspectorate to speak with seven employees in the DS Construction, that all came from Lithuania.

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. Stilladsarbejdere during the riots in Nørrebro. Photo: Ekstra Bladet

Of the report it appears, among other things, that none of the employees of Lithuania expressed that they had a Danish civil registration number. A Danish social security number are essential in order to get a treasure map, which ensures that the relevant employees ‘ tax payments is automatic, and as it should.

the Extra Leaf has been in contact with tax administration in order to get an explanation. The agency can account for its obligation of secrecy does not comment on the specific case.

‘General, I can inform you that Danish companies must contain A-tax on employees’ wages based on the employee’s tax card. Have the employee no tax card, the employer must include 55% in the A-tax and 8% AM-contribution and inform the tax administration about who the included the tax relates to, informs Ernst O. Nielsen, funktionsleder in tax administration, in an email.

When an employee does not have any personal identification number and thus your tax card, the employer must actively contain the treasure and make sure that it will be paid to the authorities.

At 3F if you have a suspicion that there will be no tax paid when the employees do not have a Danish civil registration number.

– There is a suspicion that there has been systematic circumvention of the rules and undeclared work. The (labour inspection authority, red.) has probably had a similar suspicion, as we have, says Rasmus Kreutzmann, professional secretary at 3F, Extra Magazine with regard to supervisory reporting.

3F running right now a professional case against the DS Construction.

Love Everything about gadekampen: – They are pigs

On the tilsynsbesøget spoke Danish working environment authority also with the director of DS Construction, Donatas Alexandravicus.

Here he explained that the craftsmen, who Inspectors had spoken with, were all employed in his business.

yesterday could Ekstra Bladet can reveal that the DS Construction has been reported to the police two times of the working environment authority in connection with the buildings in Aalborg and in Risskov, Aarhus.

the 112 – 9. dec. 2019 – at. 15:21 Scaffold-conflict: Prospects investigated by police

Ekstra Bladet have since Friday tried to get a comment from Donatas Alexandravicus. Despite repeated requests, the director shall not be returned.

the Danish Construction association, as the DS Construction is a member of, has sent a written reply to Ekstra question.

‘We disapprove of cheating in relation to the breach of these rules. However, it is a task for the authorities to ensure that those rules are complied with, and thus not Danish construction association task to check the members in relation to work and residence permits as well as tax payments,’ informs the director of the Danish Construction association Peter Stenholm in an email.

the working environment authority does not wish to comment further.