the Country’s ruling party, holding the hand of the royal family’s business.

the royal couple have set the rental of their ski chalet in Switzerland. Thus one can still rent space in jagtejendommen Trend in Jutland, prince Joachim cottage in the south of France and the Chateau de Cayx.

Policy – 17. jan. 2020 – pm. 11:03 Q: They are afraid of the royal family

the Rent-revenue from these business whiz tax free down in the royal pockets, as the royals have excluded the tax liability in kildeskattelovens section three.

the Royal family’s business rubber stamped by the Social democrats, who refuse to answer the question of whether the royal family members should have to pay tax on their private business.

S clap

Ekstra Bladet has tried in vain to get a position out of The political rapporteur, Jesper Petersen.

Ekstra Bladet has asked Jesper Petersen, of the royal family members should have to pay tax on their private business.

‘I have ‘no comments’ to the story’, writes Jesper Petersen

– Ok. What caused it?

Jeppe Petersen has not answered the follow up questions.

Nor støttepartiet Radical Left will go into the matter. Ekstra Bladet has in vain been addressed to the party’s skatteordfører and the party’s press office.

the Unity skatteordfører, Rune Lund, would like to comment. He believes that all the royal family’s income should be taxed.

– The most simple would be, if they pay taxes like any other for the money they receive from the public or the business, they had to drive next to it.

Danish royal – 14. jan. 2020 – pm. 21:01, Frede and Mary’s hidden economy: the Tenant the ski lodge out

– If you think that they get too little, there is a political majority who can raise their apanage, he says.

– Will you suggest a change in the law?

– I will keep an eye on whether there can be a majority to make a change, then the royal family pay tax like anyone else, but I plan ikkekonkret right here and right now to make a proposal, he says.

Kronprinsfamilien can cultivate their passion for the ski and the upper class in jet-set paradise of Verbier. Photo: Jonas Olufson

SF’s skatteordrører, Carl Valentin, also believes that it would be fair, if you taxed the taste of royal sidegesjæfter.

– It seems we are well, that you could open up to.

– When the royal family has a reasonably large revenue by the side of a very, very big apanage, we think that it is fair, if you pay taxes on it.

Danish royal – 15. jan. 2020 – pm. 08:57 Seller: How to bought the crown prince his snow-castle

– I have noted to me that it is large amount when you have been able to rent a cabin out between 22.000-86.000 dollars a week – it is a lot of money, he says.

the Royal family do not have the answer Additional to the Magazine about whether the royal family members have other hidden business.

Carl Valentin does not believe that the royal family should conduct business on a large scale.

– If they had a great many places they rented out, so they could suddenly have a very profitable business running here, and it seems we are not, is in order, he says.

Danish royal – 16. jan. 2020 – pm. 07:27 the Crown A/S: Royale business release of tax

Carl I don’t have a resolution drafted, but he will be asking the minister should about what options there are for taxing the royal family’s business.