The president of the municipal group of the PSC of Badalona, ??Fernando Carrera, did not wait until he had completed one hundred days of municipal government to launch the first proposals for oversight of the municipal government. The socialists announced that they will present to the executive of Xavier Garcia Albiol five proposals – which they have not detailed – on key city issues that require a long-term pact of all political forces “whoever governs.”

Carrera, presented yesterday at a press conference the first socialist initiative to “maintain direct contact with citizens” such as establishing a “filter-free” telephone line to serve the residents of Badalona. “I myself will answer or return the call to those who contact us,” said the man who is possibly the next socialist candidate.

To recover the historic socialist hegemony of Badalona that Xavier Garcia Albiol has truncated, the socialists will begin a campaign to regain the trust of their voters who, they recalled, “in the general elections they are the majority.” Without giving up the acronym or their own ideology, the socialists will maintain the PSC brand. “We will not erase the brand like others, but we will enhance it,” said Carrera.

“If necessary, I will accompany GarcĂ­a Albiol before the socialist government of Madrid,” said Fernando Carrera when asked at a press conference about the city’s key issues, such as the regeneration of the beaches. “It is time for government action,” said the socialist, “beyond the list of promises that Albiol made that are not being fulfilled” and that the municipal group of the PSC has announced that he will oversee.

According to the socialists of Badalona, ??”a certain disappointment” is beginning to be seen among Albiolist voters, who are becoming skeptical of “magic recipes” that are difficult to comply with. “We are not seeing the improvements that the mayor promised in terms of safety and cleanliness” exemplified Carrera, who regrets that “a policy of patches” is being applied, such as the announcement of an investment of 1.5 million to improve street cleaning. that won’t be enough.”