The president of the municipal group of the PSC, through a press release, is very concerned about the data on street service agents, which the government made public last Friday, coinciding with the Sant Anastasi Night which, according to him, do not correspond to reality.

The socialists argue that the government, which published the same data on both Friday and Saturday in two notes, explained that it would deploy 118 agents during the Sant Anastasi Night. This Thursday, the president of the municipal group learned of the real data of agents. In no case did 113 agents work, as the PP government says. 53 agents worked on the afternoon shift and 44 on the night shift, 74 agents less than what the government said.

Carrera has asked the security councilor, Juan Manuel Ruiz, to make public the official record indicating the agents who worked the afternoon and night shift on May 10 and 11, coinciding with the central event of the May Festival. “It is very serious that the government lies to citizens in this way.” In fact, as the PSC has been able to verify, the number of Urban Guard agents is similar to the operation that was carried out for the May Festival of 2022 and 2023.