PP and Vox are pressing the legislative accelerator and intend to approve before the end of the current session period the regulatory package that they presented at a press conference last Thursday and that has raised so much controversy since then. The law proposals have been registered by the emergency procedure, which reduces the deadlines so that the regulations on the basic language in education, the so-called concord law and the changes introduced in the anti-fraud agency, regional television and The Transparency law can be approved before the summer.
Despite the rush, the idea is that they be approved “as soon as possible,” the spokespersons for PP and Vox defended yesterday; The popular ones are willing to “accept amendments” from the opposition.
The ombudsman of the PP parliamentary group, Miguel Barrachina, assured that if PSPV and Compromís make “good contributions” that improve the texts, these will be introduced, as already happened in the budget process. “We are open to the improvements they introduce,” said the spokesperson for the majority group. “We are in a hurry, but we prioritize the agreement,” explained Barrachina, who is trying to cover the dialogue offer launched last Monday by the president of the Generalitat Valenciana, Carlos Mazón, to the new leader of the PSPV, Diana Morant, to seek “ meeting points” on topics “important for the Valencian Community”.
However, this agreement will not be simple, since the proposals are already born from a complicated balance of transfers between their promoters. The PP has taken the lead in the educational freedom law in exchange for giving Vox prominence in the concord law, which has caused so much commotion. Yesterday, Barrachina admitted that, in the PP program, the promotion of this revisionist regulation was not foreseen.
In the popular ranks (and also in the voxistas) they are aware that some of the formulations of this law contradict the state Historical Memory law and that it can cause problems. In this context, some amendment could help soften aspects of the law.
Another thing will be what role the opposition plays during this parliamentary process, since it is not clear that, for example, Compromís will present partial amendments and participate in the debate on what they describe as “legislative nonsense.” Both groups, both PSPV and Compromís, have already advanced their idea of taking the regulations to the courts, where they see more options for success than in the parliamentary debate.
Nor do the ranks of the opposition believe that the PP’s commitment to seeking consensus and agreements is sincere. Above all, after the popular have refused to submit, as the left wanted, the five law proposals that they registered last week in the Consell Jurídic Consultiu (CJC) with the aim of this advisory body ruling on possible problems legalities of the initiatives.
This report is mandatory when the Government presents the norm, but when parliamentary groups do so it is no longer an obligation. When it was in opposition, the PP did ask that the proposals of the Botànic groups have to have this type of reports, but when it came to power it changed its mind.
And the idea is to step on the accelerator with these laws that mark a clear turning point in the legislature and that the two partners of the Generalitat Valenciana want to promote as a symbol of political change. Above all, the educational one, whose application is more complex. In fact, as its promoters recognize, the bulk of the changes cannot be implemented until the 2025-2026 school year.