The PP caravan for the European elections will start on Thursday in Catalonia with Alberto Núñez Feijóo and Dolors Montserrat, number one on the list, but without the usual blue color that characterizes their symbology. The blue has been replaced by an image of a mobilization in the street, with Spanish flags in the background, because it is the citizens who are being appealed to to pronounce on Pedro Sánchez. The PP invites the Spanish to hold a plebiscite on the president on 9-J. “Your vote is the answer”, says the slogan.

The response to his policies, but especially to the formula with which he arrived in Moncloa after 23-J, “surrendering for seven pro-independence votes”, was pointed out yesterday. And also an appeal to voters to use the ballot as a response to the letter Sánchez sent to the public to open a period of reflection on his continuity in Moncloa. The PP wants the results of the Europeans – if it wins – to be interpreted as a voice of rejection of Sánchez.

All this in a context in which 9-J will be the last elections before the general elections, in which all citizens will be able to vote. “Now or never” is the second campaign slogan, which is insisted on in this invitation to express one’s opinion about the socialist leader so that it can be read as a verdict.

Carmen Fúnez, deputy secretary of organization, and Esteban González Pons yesterday presented the axes of the campaign. In argumentative terms, they want to ask the citizens if they want a country where whoever wins the elections does not govern, a place where “everything” is “granted” to the pro-independence parties, to the enemies of Spain. A way of doing politics with which the Executive is delivered “by seven votes” and a Government with a “climate of corruption that stinks”.

In these campaign axes that were broken down, reference is made to Pedro Sánchez’s pact with Junts and ERC, but the explicitly mentioned amnesty does not appear. González Pons pointed out, when he was asked about this, that this issue is part of the campaign “to the extent that the amnesty will be definitively approved in Congress during the campaign”. The amnesty will be there, he continued, “but above all the shame of a Prime Minister who, having lost the elections, sold everyone’s freedom in exchange for the seven votes he lacked”.

The entire focus of the PP’s approach in this campaign pivots on dealing with Pedro Sánchez. The leaders of the PP pointed out that they are looking for a transversal voter, with the common denominator of wanting to tell the socialist leader to “go away”. In Spain, González Pons pointed out, there are people from the left, center and right who are not comfortable with the fact that the Government of Spain is decided by pro-independence parties.

Feijóo raises a contest in which he “goes out to win” and which will serve to measure the strength of the popular people after 23-J. The party is playing it, but so is the president of the formation, who will throw himself into the campaign with a caravan that will work in parallel with that of Dolors Montserrat. In 2019, the Socialists obtained 20 seats, and the PP, 12, and the objective is to achieve an explicit victory. Although the popular candidacy can absorb a large part of the Ciutadans electorate, the resistance shown by Vox in the Basque and Catalan elections makes it difficult for Feijóo to obtain a large majority – if he achieves it at all.

The image that accompanies the campaign slogan communicates the idea of ​​mobilization, and the PP has designed a strategy to try to achieve this. It will be a municipalist campaign, worked from below and close to the street to seek the maximum involvement of the party, as explained by Fúnez. This search for mobilization will have as its epicenter the rally called on Sunday 26 May in Madrid, which, with the slogan “Spain responds”, was raised after Sánchez ended the period of reflection and decided to continue under the banner of a “regeneration democratic”.

A mobilization against everything Sanchismo means for the PP, with express reference also to the amnesty, which is intended to be the central act of the campaign at Puerta de Alcalá in the Spanish capital.