The Popular Party is trying to reduce Vox’s haste to satisfy those entities opposed to the unity of the language that see in the change of government an opportunity to gain weight and political relevance. Faced with the impetus of their government partners, the popular ones are cautious and recognize, privately, the difficulty of fulfilling some commitments such as the possibility of homologating the titles of entities such as Lo Rat Penat and the Royal Academy of Valencian Culture (RACV) – both with different regulations than those advocated by the Valencian Academy of Language (AVL)–.

In the PP they are aware that it is not a simple procedure, and there are some doubts that it could be done without touching the Statute of Autonomy, which makes it very clear that it is the AVL that has the capacity over the Valencian regulations.

In fact, a legal report from the Valencia City Council released yesterday warned the Consistory that basing the name change of the city on the Normes del Puig – which these secessionist entities defend – “could infringe the legal system.”

Along these lines, the PP spokesperson in the Valencian Courts, Miguel Barrachina, yesterday avoided commenting on the proposal that his Vox partners presented in the Valencian Parliament for the Valencian qualifications taught by Lo Rat Penat to be officially recognized.

Barrachina hid behind the fact that he did not know the proposal and did not advance his party’s position on it until reading it. However, it is difficult for the PP to end up not supporting this proposal. During the long pre-election campaign, the then popular candidate and now president of the Generalitat Valenciana, Carlos Mazón, already indicated in an interview with La Vanguardia his intention to recognize “the homologation capacity of the RACV and Lo Rat Penat.”

However, once they reach the Government, the PP knows that it is difficult to find a formula to validate titles that contradict the official linguistic regulations and those defended by universities around the world.

Furthermore, PP sources explained to this newspaper that we must take into account the times and what can or cannot be done with the current regulations. In this sense, they believe that the approval of a law on identification signs, like the one that Carlos Mazón also promised during the campaign, could serve to seek a legal fit for the titles of Lo Rat Penat.

For this reason, despite the insistence of the journalists, the popular ombudsman limited himself to pointing out that Vox’s non-legal proposal (PNL) would be “studyed”; the same position – that of “study” used by the spokesperson for the Valencian Government, Ruth Merino, when she was asked about this issue after the plenary session of the Consell. A position of the popular parliamentary group that caught the Vox representatives by surprise, who assumed that their PNL would be approved without difficulty by the new parliamentary majority of the autonomous Chamber.

Thus, Vox deputy José María Llanos even assured that the initiative was agreed between the two parties, something that Barrachina denied and that Llanos finally had to admit. However, the Voz parliamentarian defended that it was a “Consell commitment” and that, therefore, he assumed that he would have the support of the PP.

Of course, the parliamentarian did not clarify how this recognition of the titles of Lo Rat Penat could occur, although he assured that, in Vox’s opinion, it would not be necessary to change the Statute (for which the right does not have a sufficient majority). .