The PP has set its goal in the European elections on June 9 to win for the third time over the PSOE in elections in which all Spaniards are called to the polls, as happened in the municipal elections in May and the general elections in July of the year. past, although parliamentary arithmetic did not allow Alberto Núñez Feijóo, with more votes and seats than Pedro Sánchez, to move to Moncloa.

Since the transfer of the former president of the , has been the one that has obtained the most votes in the two calls in which the entire electoral roll has spoken, although in the autonomous elections of Catalonia and the Basque Country held this year, not so in Galicia, where Alfonso Rueda has revalidated the absolute majority inherited from Feijóo, the formation has been in fourth position and behind, in both cases, the socialists.

And there is not two without three. With a single constituency for the entire national territory and assuming the absorption of Ciudadanos, although the combative Jordi Cañas is still in the running after seeing how his former leader, Adrián Vázquez, changes the orange list for the blue one in the face of the announced debacle, the PP hopes to obtain at least 20 seats in the European Parliament, the same ones it has today together with the declining liberal formation.

From there, everything they can find in the distribution of the 61 MEPs that correspond to Spain will be a success. Above all, if, in addition to overtaking the PSOE, the distance with the German conservatives of the CDU/CSU, which almost doubles the thirteen representatives of the PP at present, is reduced and Dolors Montserrat, who repeats as number one of the PP, can play an even more influential role in the European People’s Party (EPP), chaired by the Bavarian Manfred Weber.

With this purpose, the PP has designed its electoral program based on the Equality, Freedom and Future manifesto, prepared by the Reformismo XXI foundation and presented last Monday in Madrid. It establishes four axes – the democratic, social, economic and geostrategic challenges – from which the proposals that will be outlined during the campaign will be articulated.

To begin with, and with a view to attracting the vote of those under 35 years of age at a time when the siren songs of the extreme right sound loudly on the social networks where young people get their information, the first measure announced is a tax reduction during the first four years of working life.

The struggle with Vox, a party that the PP has not managed to reduce and which, as has been seen in Catalonia, maintains a solid electoral base, extends to the field of agriculture, livestock, fishing and hunting, a very broad in which Santiago Abascal’s party, which systematically opposes environmental regulations coming from Brussels, has many supporters.

Hence, Feijóo himself, who always claims to be the son of the Galician countryside, “of the rural”, committed in Murcia, one of the regions with the greatest weight in the primary sector, that the European commissioner of the sector belongs to the EPP. And the same with respect to water, so that Europe is aware of the drought, he argued in Malaga, and community funds are allocated to hydraulic infrastructure “from Cadaqués to Ayamonte” to alleviate the shortage.

Even so, the fishing ground in which the PP hopes to capture more voters is the center, which, according to the analysis of the popular executive, the PSOE has left free by “radicalizing its message.” That is where in Genoa, given the resistance of Vox, which, according to the CIS, can add two or three seats to the three it now has in the European Parliament, they believe that the PP can grow with a candidate like Montserrat, to the that he cannot be accused of, as Feijóo defended when referring to the pedigree of his surnames, a lack of Catalan identity when he denounces the “immoral amnesty in exchange for seven votes.”