The Supreme Court has confirmed the sentence of 2 years in prison and 8 years of disqualification of a national police officer for torturing and injuring a detainee in the cells of the Alcalá de Henares police station (Madrid), whom he attacked after saying “to the “Moors are only given water.”

The events occurred on January 8, 2017, when the victim, who had been arrested that same morning for the crime of attacking authority, asked to be provided with food.

The agent who was guarding him, due to the race and religion of the detainee and knowing that he had attacked his companions the night before, replied: “The only people given water are the Moors.” He then entered the cell and punched her twice.

After the detainee asked for medical assistance, the police officer opened the cell again and punched and kicked him several times. Minutes later, for the third time, he entered the cell and hit her with the regulation defense, a blow to the right forearm and another to the head.

The ruling supports the testimony of the victim of torture “who, without significant ambiguities or contradictions, specified all the circumstances of the attacks suffered, recognizing the appellant as the agent who attacked him while he was detained.”

Likewise, it adds the successive medical reports, detailing that according to the injury report from the Casa de Socorro, issued at 6:00 in the morning, the detainee had a single contusion and six hours later in a new medical report it was indicated that he suffered multiple injuries “compatible with the victim’s story about how the various attacks suffered occurred.”

The Court describes that, as seen on the video cameras, the agent entered, between 8:40 and 9:52, on four occasions the cell occupied by the arrested person, remaining on one occasion for more than five minutes inside. while another agent stood at the door – who can be seen putting his hands on his head.

For all these reasons, the Chamber confirms the sentence of the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid of two years in prison and compensation of 6,700 euros to the detainee, as well as paying a fine of 280 euros.