The Parliament will investigate the infiltration of Spanish police in the Catalan and Valencian social and political movements after the groups of Esquerra Republicana, Junts, En Comú Podem and the CUP-NCG have registered this Friday the proposed resolution to create an investigation commission about this issue.

In this way, these groups, which have a clear majority both in the Table and in the plenary session, transfer the request of the town councils of Girona, San Julià de Ramis, Salt, Olot, Banyoles and Figueres that through a motion established in the Parliament to the creation of this commission.

In the registered proposal, the latest case of infiltration of a national police officer uncovered by La Directa is exposed, where it is stated that the Ministry of the Interior provided him with a false identity. For this reason, the parties argue that espionage “has violated multiple fundamental rights” such as “the rights and freedoms of association, peaceful assembly and expression, political participation, defense, inviolability of home and privacy, among others” . Furthermore, it is concluded that “it involves clear political persecution, protected by the State and illegal” and that, therefore, “it cannot go unpunished.”

For these reasons, the parties request the creation of this investigative commission that would last nine months. The commission is expected to go through the relevant parliamentary procedures in the coming weeks so that it can get underway as soon as possible.