The new electoral polls for the month of October continue to give victory to the PP in the event of a repeat election, with one point more than in the general elections of July 23, but without increasing its advantage over the PSOE.

According to Simple Lógica’s October barometer for, the socialists would keep their distance from Alberto Núñez Feijóo with a 1.8% difference between votes, in favor of the popular ones. The results of Pedro Sánchez, who also adds one more point in the vote estimate, would get 10% of Sumar voters, who would only manage to retain three out of every four voters.

Yolanda Díaz’s fall of 0.3% would not make her lose third place thanks to the decline of the extreme right; Vox would lose more than one point of the vote estimate, going from the 12.3% it obtained in July to 10.7%. Furthermore, 21.4% of the voters of Santiago Abascal’s party would prefer to change the ballot to that of the popular ones, which would make the electorate of the extreme right the least loyal.

Regarding the evaluation of the leaders, the first place remains in the hands of Sánchez, followed by Díaz, but they are left without the taste of victory, since the socialist loses almost a point compared to the previous month, and the leader is Adding three tenths is left. The numbers once again benefit the PP in this area, with Feijóo rising from 23% approval to 27.7%. Abascal continues to be the politician least valued by Spaniards, who despite adding 1.2% compared to the last poll, still has 80.4% disapproval.