all Over the world, there are challenges with finding judges for the sport, and now shouting Swedish ishockeydommere up and telling how ugly things they are really exposed in the best league.

Just today, there have been three conclusions against judges, where the police are switched on.

– We have even chosen the job, but when people to go to family members, so, the limit is reached, says dommerchef Tomas Thorsbrink to Aftonbladet.

most Recently, a fangruppe been on home visits by a judge.

– My judges have it is not good, and I have not. All in Swedish ice hockey must take responsibility for dommersituationen, or I am afraid that we are not the best judges back.

– members of the Family have also been threatened. I really love to be at the stadiums and watch hockey, but yesterday I felt that I would not expose me to it and was flat, says Thorsbrink.

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Photo: Andreas Hillergren/TT/Ritzau Scanpix

It is not easy to be a hockey referee. Photo: LUDVIG THUNMAN/Ritzau Scanpix

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Dommerchefen suggest that the problem has been going on for a long time, but now hangs to the named judges and to require penalties.

– the Problem is that the players and the leaders are idols, and their hernia arouses the anger of others, it sounds.

the Newspaper has also spoken to the league’s most merited judge.

– I think that I and many other judges really faced with the choice, whether it is worth to continue with it here, ” says 42-year-old Mikael to the North.

He has been sentenced in the league in 10 years.

– There has been a lot harder and more raw attitude. Words such as idiot occur more often. And it does not criticise decisions but people, he says.

– It sets in time, to other actors, who call themselves fans, they assume the right to threaten the judges on their lives, threaten their families and take on home visits.

Several Danish players appearing daily in the Swedish SHL.

German football – 21. nov. 2019 – at. 21:35 Spooky video: Player knocks the judge down.

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