The JuntsxCatalunya candidate for mayor of the Girona municipality of Les Planes d’Hostoles, Pablo Odell, has lamented the pressure that the filmmaker Carla Simón has suffered after announcing that she would run on her electoral list in the municipal elections on May 28, a pressure and some criticism that led the award-winning author of Alcarràs to give up on this initial decision. In an interview on RAC1, Odell has also criticized that that announcement was misrepresented in the press until it was published that Simón signed for Junts.

“Carla Simón has received more than criticism; all this has generated tensions and problems for her”, the mayor complained, who revealed that last Sunday it was decided that if going on the list should cause him “so many headaches” he should not do so.

Odell recalled that throughout the day that Simón announced his decision, the news evolved into “Carla files for Junts” and that on TV3 the resignation of five councilors from the town council was associated with this support. “The reality is that they had resigned before Easter; one thing had nothing to do with the other,” said the head of the list for Junts.

“Even within Junts, everyone understood that supporting a local candidacy does not mean joining any party,” insisted the mayoral candidate, lamenting that “everyone understood it well, except for that circuit that distorts the news, that the it makes them more heartbreaking and ends up creating something that goes awry and that can affect people’s work”.

On this point, Odell stressed that in small towns such as Les Planes, a town in the La Garrotxa region with barely 1,700 inhabitants, “politics is made by the people and in no case do the parties intervene on what to do And why not”. Simón announced yesterday his withdrawal from the electoral contest with a statement in which he made it clear that he was not from Junts nor did he share his political option or most of his ideas.

“More than an ideological commitment, it was a commitment to the project,” insisted the mayor, who recalled that he has “seen the film director grow” because of what “all the pressure she is receiving” tastes very bad for her. “She already said that there will be a ruckus but the idea was decontextualized; In no case did she imagine that she would reach this situation, ”he added.

In any case, Simón yesterday expressed his support for the JxCat candidate: “I have no doubt that Pablo Odell’s group will lead Les Planes d’Hostoles with care and intelligence, and I encourage the people of my town to value their electoral program” . “I continue to firmly believe in local politics, where the important thing is people with exciting projects for their communities and not the acronyms of the parties,” stressed the filmmaker.