The Internet has registered a penetration level of 91% in the Catalan audience, higher than television (81%) and radio (56%), according to the latest Information Bulletin on the ‘Audiovisual in Catalonia (BIAC), prepared by the Audiovisual Council of Catalonia (CAC). The Internet is the medium that leads this audiovisual penetration in most age groups, with the exception of the older ones, from the age of 65, in which radio has the most penetration. The daily consumption of television during the first four months of 2023 has been 2 hours and 43 minutes, and the radio is listened to daily for an average of 1 hour and 42 minutes from Monday to Friday, while it is 1 hour and 35 minutes from Monday to Sunday.

On the other hand, six out of ten Catalan users spent 15 to 60 minutes a day between October and December 2022 watching online videos on OTT audiovisual platforms and services. Catalonia has, according to this BIAC, 11.8 million people who subscribe to streaming platforms. Netflix leads the ranking, with 3.7 million subscribers, followed by Amazon Prime Video, with 2.8 million. HBO Max and Disney maintain the third and fourth positions in the ranking with more than 1.5 million each and, below the million, are DAZN (512,000 subscribers), Filmin (256,000) and Rakuten TV (215,000).

53.4% ​​of the Catalans surveyed use on-demand music services such as Spotify, 45.1% listen to the radio live, 27.6% listen to podcasts of programs broadcast on the radio, 19.9% ​​listen to podcasts not broadcast on the radio and 4.4% consume audiobooks.

In Catalonia, 46% of Internet users declare that they play video games, and of these, half watch other people playing video games, both live and delayed, and YouTube is the main viewing platform for this entertainment.

In terms of social media consumption, nine out of ten users use social media: more than 40% spend less than 30 minutes on it, 25% connect between 30 minutes and an hour and 32 .5% say they consult them more than an hour a day.

In a BIAC chapter, drawn up mainly with data from a Unicef ​​study, it is highlighted that the most common uses of the internet by teenagers are, in that order, chatting and using WhatsApp, listening to music , make use of social networks and watch YouTube or TikTok videos. The fifth use is to carry out schoolwork. It is also noted that more than half of teenagers use the internet to make friends and not feel lonely.