The Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, has called this Monday for respect and consideration after the controversy generated around the satire on the image of the Virgen del Rocío in the TV3 program Està passant.

Marlaska, who has chaired the preparatory meeting for the Security Operational Plan for the European summit in Granada to be held in this city on October 5 and 6 on the occasion of the Spanish Presidency of the European Union, has given his opinion to questions from journalists that in matters related to “religious, ideological feelings or how each one understands life”, “respect and consideration” is always relevant.

If some type of responsibility were derived from any action or conduct, he said, “it will be the competent bodies that determine if it has any significance from a legal point of view.”

In any case, the minister, who said he had not seen the parody, has called for respect because “a society is much richer and healthier when we all respect each other within our differences,” he said.

The mayor of Granada, Francisco Cuenca (PSOE), also referred to this matter in the same appearance, to point out that “playing with religion is offensive regardless of the belief of each one”, for which he has asked “not only the maximum respect, but rather a rectification, with all due respect for freedom of expression”.

The president of the Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moreno, has asked the directors of TV3 on Monday to apologize for the “unfortunate” and “untimely” parody of the Virgen del Rocío.

Specifically, they broadcast a parody in the form of an “interview” with the actress Judit Martín, dressed as the Virgen del Rocío, with a doll in her hands that pretended to be the baby Jesus, in which she complained with a marked Andalusian accent about the showiness of the suit. “I haven’t been able to get laid properly for 200 years!” he said, before trying to flirt with one of the show’s presenters, Jair Domínguez, while comedian Toni Soler acknowledged that he didn’t know “what to say to not screw it up” with that theme: “We are in a minefield”.

Asked about this matter before participating in the National Executive Committee of the PP in Madrid, Moreno has been clear: “I found it very unfortunate, completely inappropriate and out of place”, as well as an “insult” to the Andalusians, he said. “We Andalusians are a people who have a wide sense of humor and ironize about ourselves, but it must always be done with love and respect for the Virgen del Rocío”, he remarked.

After recalling that the Virgin of Rocío “is highly revered by many Andalusians and Spaniards”, he has criticized the fact that “disrespectful, low-level” and “unfunny” humor is made from public television paid for by taxpayers. For this reason, he has asked those responsible for TV3 “to admit, from time to time they screw up and that this time they have screwed it up” and “to say openly that they have not been lucky.” “Things have to be done with respect and with a bit of tenderness,” she emphasized.

He has advanced that from RTVA, through the Forta, they are going to request a rectification to this channel, before adding that “a part of TV3 executives are very given to making jokes with the Andalusians and ridiculing the accent or the way of being of the Andalusians”. “We are already a bit fed up with this type of thing,” he added.

In this regard, the Andalusian Minister of the Presidency, Interior, Social Dialogue and Administrative Simplification, Antonio Sanz, has insisted on asking the Generalitat this Monday to guarantee that “attacks” on Andalusians will not occur again as this parody supposed.

Last Saturday, the director of the program, Toni Soler, refused to apologize after being asked by the president of the Board, to whom he replied: “You can wait sitting down.”

Moreno, in a message released on Twitter on Saturday, said: “Humor is one of the hallmarks of our land, but to be funny it is done with respect and affection.” In his message, Moreno maintained that what was seen on the TV3 program is “a lack of respect for

“You can wait sitting down”, was the reply on Twitter from Toni Soler himself, who also responded on Twitter to the Federation of Andalusian Cultural Entities in Catalonia (FECAC), which demanded an apology and asked for the Catalan Audiovisual Council (CAC) to intervene. so that TV3 “respects and restores the honor of the Virgen del Rocío”.

“And these people, how many statements have they made to request respect for the citizens of Catalonia and their rights?” Soler asked in a message in response to the FECAC statement.

In fact, a collaborator of the program, Ã’scar Andreu, also issued a tweet in which he assured: “Let’s say NO to giving explanations to the Spanish all the time”, to which Soler has indicated: “I think it is the best summary of everything the happened”.

Last week, the program was also the cause of controversy due to another interview parody, which in this case caricatured the JxCat MEP and former minister, Clara Ponsatí, the same afternoon that she was arrested by the Mossos d’Esquadra when she returned to Catalonia , which generated a barrage of criticism on social networks from pro-independence sectors, considering that it “disrespected exile”.