on Monday it emerged that the famous model and designer Henriette Zobel had died after prolonged illness – 57 years old.

Now comes her two sons, Nicolai and Alexander, with their first words in the wake of the tragic deaths.

This is a message to Ekstra Bladet, where the sons tells more about how to bid a last farewell to Sable is going to take place.

Danish well-known – 10. dec. 2019 – at. 23:25, Dennis Knudsen: Henriette, was hard on himself

‘Our mother Henriette Zobel bisættes the 20. december at. 13 in the Christian Church,’ writes the message and continues:

‘We want to take leave with respect and love and in taknemmlighed for Henriette Zobels importance to many people and in many different contexts.’

According to the family priest, Unsourced Statements, it is aware that the message does not indicate whether bisættelsen is private or public, because it is up to the individual to assess whether they want to participate.

the Extra Leaf has in recent days tried to get a comment from the two sons, but no luck.

the Family has not wished to inform, exactly what Henriette Zobel died. Photo: Linda Johansen

When Henriette Zobel on Monday died in his home in Bredgade in Copenhagen, she was completely alone.

the Death was first discovered when family members came by to check on her and discovered that she had slept in tune.

Plus Obituary: Beautiful to the last

– I can’t say what she died of, other than that it was some banal, purely physical ailments that had bothered her in a nice piece of time. And even though there was always friends and family who came, and to her, then there was suddenly just no longer, said the Unsourced Statements, which is the family’s priest in connection with the death for the Extra Magazine and continued:

– It is shocking, for when one is 57, so you think the that is many years back in one, but it was no longer for her. Of course, it is a great sadness, but what has happened is really quite undramatic and smooth – well as smooth as it can be, when now the family is not seated all the way around the bed, and adultery, and when it happens.

Danish well-known – 10. dec. 2019 – at. 09:05 Henriette Zobel died alone

The exact cause of death, want the family to keep for themselves.

– We die will all that the heart stops beating, and it is basically the same, which is true here. But there was no reason to believe that it would happen right now. But it happens for some people, and you think, if you could have done something, but it could not be here. Some times so is it just sour, it sounded from the Unsourced Statements, which stressed that the Zobels two sons are ‘shocked’ over the death.

Danish well-known – 10. dec. 2019 – at. 20:03 Caroline Fleming in the depths of sorrow

Henriette Zobel has in addition to a career as a designer has been a fashion model and worked in several european cities.

She has also been in the forefront of several different companies. Most recently she worked as a meditation and yoga teacher.

She has two laps, and was married with erhvervsmanden Peter Zobel. First in 1987-1988 and, since in 1991-2004. The couple have two adult children, Nicholas and Alexander, together.

Peter Zobel died as 81-year-old in 2017. Henriette Zobel has previously told that she had a hard time getting over the loss, and she has also been open about his life’s up and downs.

a year ago, she was yet determined to get ahead in life.

– Peter is not here more, and I miss him terribly. He’s not coming back, but I must stop to cry, for what he wants, is that I step out in life again, it sounded at the time for Extra Magazine.

Through the relationship with Peter Zobel had Henriette Zobel scored a close relationship to the royal family, and she was among others also a close friend of prince Henrik.

In april 2017, she was taken for drunk driving, and she openly told that she struggled with an alcohol abuse.

Henriette Zobel formed by public few with tobaksarvingen Erik Stone Flight.