There is no space for anyone and everyone in the locker room and on the australian national team.

It should have bothered a group of players on the australian national team to have to share the showers with their transgender landsholdskollega Hannah Mouncey. According to stregspilleren should the dissatisfied group have cost her the WORLD cup ticket.

Hannah Mouncey, far right, had to find another dressing room, if she would have been against Denmark. Photo: Bob Wood / IHF

Hannah Mouncey represented the australian herrelandshold as Callum Mouncey at the WORLD cup in 2013 and was in this instance to qualify the australian women at the WORLD championships in Japan, where she was to have met in Denmark. Such was not the case. The official announcement was that she was not ‘fit’ to play at the finals.

In a post in the australian media Star Observer disputes the idea she is now on the grounds.

– There was a group of players on our team with the support from the team leader, which did not want to I went in the bath with them or used the locker room before or after the fighting. It was the only reason I got from our trainer in relation to my lack of excision, writes Hannah Mouncey.

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Stregspilleren got represented Australia’s women in several battles before she was dropped. Photo: Asian Handball Federation

The official announcement should cover the issue.

According to the stregspillere knew the coach, that it would not be accepted, and she was therefore informed that the official reason would be another.

– the Coach assured me that it would be reported out that I was not ‘fit’, even though I had passed all the physical tests without any hassle. I was even told that I had done me well enough in genoptræningen to be taken, if not for the problems with the dressing room.

The explanation did not fall in good soil at the former australian national team player. And the she let the team know.

– I was not well liked on the team, because I had told them exactly where they could go if they would tell me where I could dress and go to the bathroom.

It is not apparent from the post, where they should go, but one can imagine that it is a place where the sun is not shining.

the federation has not wanted to comment on stregspillerens interpretation to the Star Observer.

Hannah Mouncey was strained from the WORLD cup squad and was therefore not, as the Danish women beat Australia 37-12 at the finals.

It was no surprise that Denmark would beat Australia, but with the prospect of meeting a former herrespiller it could well be a somewhat more difficult task.

Klavs Bruun Jørgensen was not further concerned, when it was just lilleputterne from Australia, but noted the possible challenges of meeting a team with more transgender players.

– I think in the long term, it will be a difficult thing, if we suddenly find a team with five transgender. So it may well be, that the nations, who have spent a great deal of energy to get to where they are today, do not think it is fun, said the national coach in Mouncey was dropped.

When it was officially Mouncey yet not came with the tournament asked Additional Leaf, therefore, Klavs Bruun Jørgensen on, he was relieved.

– Both, and I would say. There is something sad about it. I don’t know if I buy the explanation, Australia has come up with. She should not be good enough. It would be healthier if we got a proper clarification whether it is ok or if it is not ok, that transgender can participate.

– But, as I have said in the past, so I think the basic is a sin, when a man gets to live out his dreams. But otherwise it doesn’t do so much. I’m pretty sure that we had beaten Australia anyway, and that we’re going to do.

– For Australia, I think, it can be positive that she is not with, because I think it would have filled much. We are here for håndbolden, but it does not mean that we are not able to interfere in the kønsdebatter. It is just something you should take at a time other than right up to a championship, said the national coach at the time.

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