When a cyclist suddenly far in his professional career begins to run really fast and one of the rows towards the top of the international rytterhierarki, people begin to seek answers on the obvious questions: Why now?

Jacob Fuglsangs he has the answer to rygteplan been, to the infamous, livstidsudelukkede dopinglæge Michele Ferrari was to be involved in his training.

Michael Rasmussen heard the rumor about a collaboration long before the Tour de France, but now there is something concrete to hang suspicion on, namely the formal investigation, Politiken, DR and VG have revealed.

– If it turns out that it is true that Fuglsang has worked with Ferrari, so it’s just incredibly stupid of him, says Michael Rasmussen.

– And if it is not right, so is it incredibly silly that Fuglsang is not just stand up and reject it.

Michael Rasmussen notes that antidopingorganisationen CADF, which has investigated Fuglsang and Astana, can not conclude that there has been a connection between Fuglsang and Ferrari, and there is therefore no evidence that a disciplinary proceedings will be raised.

– If you go to a person that is banned in the sport for a lifetime, so it can not be defended, and then it’s just silly, says Rasmussen.

– And so it can be, whether you just got good advice on stretching exercises or assistance to scootertræning. It is public, and it leads to penalty.

– You have known her point of view, since he was quite young. Do you think this could be true?

– I have been in the sport long enough that I don’t put the hand on the hob of someone, says Michael Rasmussen.

– I can just say that I have no reason to believe that number three in the world should be cleaner or dirtier than its nearest competitors. I do not think that the number one cheater number two, and number two, snyder number three and so on.

– I would think that the riders who are in the absolute top, all using the same forberedelsesmetoder and coach in the same way, says Michael Rasmussen.

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Jacob Fuglsang, rejoicing at his victory in the Liege-Bastogne-Liege Photo: Olivier Matthys/Ritzau Scanpix

The former toprytter, who admitted his use of doping in 2013 and served two years of quarantine, highlighting the fact that it is a disincentive for Fuglsang, he’s running for just Astana. The team does not have the highest credibility as a result of several doping cases.

for the benefit of Fuglsang speaks by contrast, believe Rasmussen, that he always has been offensive in its rhetoric, when it comes to doping.

– Therefore you may well miss a similar offensive position for the suspicions, which now is raised specifically against him, says Rasmussen.

– It should not be hard, if there is something to it. Since the waves in his time went high in my case, I got a question about whether I had collaborated with Ferrari.

I could answer flatly no. I had seen the Ferrari one time in my mountain biking career, and I had never so much as spoken with him.

It was easy to give the answer, for it was the truth, says Michael Rasmussen.

– If it is Fuglsangs truth, then he can just say it.

Cycling – 3. feb. 2020 – pm. 11:08 Now responding Astana in the the allegations

Cycling – 3. feb. 2020 – pm. 11:43 Vexed Magnus Cort: Where is the evidence?

See also: Spit it out, Fuglsang

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