The members of the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) have decided “not to promote an active position of the entity in favor of active abstention and invalid voting in the next elections on July 23”. This decision was made after an internal consultation in which 3,773 members of the more than 40,000 who had the right to vote voted.
Since last Friday, the ANC has proposed to its bases a vote on the position of the entity in the face of the next general elections, and the most voted option of the same, with more than 59% of the votes, has been that of ” not promote active abstention”. In this way, the Assemblea has confirmed that “it will remain neutral regarding the electoral option of the Spanish elections”.
This decision represents a change with respect to the position of the entity, which last month advocated turning its back on the pro-independence parties in the general elections on July 23 and, instead of asking for the vote for JxCat, ERC and the CUP, promoting invalid vote or abstention.
This was stated by the president of the ANC, Dolors Feliu, in a political act of the ordinary general assembly of the pro-independence entity, held in the Girona Auditorium and which served to present its “new roadmap for a new attack”.