In the agreement to re-edit the coalition government, the PSOE and Sumar propose a series of measures on the labor market, conciliation, health, education, environment, housing, transport, taxation and financing, among other areas. Here are the most significant measures:

work The PSOE and Sumar propose reducing the working day to 37.5 hours without lowering salaries, strengthening time control instruments, raising the interprofessional minimum wage, and increasing guarantees for workers against dismissal. Also promote a large income pact that guarantees the recovery of purchasing power, shock plans against youth and long-term unemployment, and the approval of the scholarship statute.

healthcare They propose to strengthen the public health system to reduce waiting lists and revitalize primary care. Maximum waiting times will be established in the National Health System. They are also advocating to expand the portfolio of public health services and benefits (oral, visual and mental) and to increase the training places for health workers at universities. The working conditions of workers in the sector will be improved.

housing They are committed to increasing the public housing stock with the aim of reaching 20% ??of the total and to deploying the Housing law to contain prices, including tax incentives and rent regulation mechanisms. Tourist accommodations will be regulated.

Transport and environment. The agreement also includes revising the objectives of the Climate Change Act, promoting electric cars and rail transport, maintaining public transport subsidies, reducing domestic flights on routes where there is a cheaper rail alternative of 2.5 hours of travel time, except in cases of connection with air hubs that link with international routes, and double the number of households receiving the electricity social voucher.

Feminism and conciliation. They want to extend paid maternity and paternity leave up to 20 weeks and approve a care law. A maximum time of 30 days will be established to receive the most important social benefits, such as unemployment or dependency.

education The future government plans to invest 5% of GDP in public education, which would include improving the working conditions of primary and secondary teachers, the universalization of education from 0 to 3 years and the expansion of opening hours of schools, dining allowances and extracurricular activities.

Taxation The PSOE and Sumar are advocating for a tax reform that makes banking and energy companies contribute to public spending, that ensures that a 15% effective rate is reached in companies and improves the progressivity of personal income tax and incentives per child . They will promote a State pact against tax fraud and continue to move towards a new taxation of wealth.

Financing and administration. Both formations intend to reform the regional funding pending since 2014. In the meantime, the provision of public services in underfunded communities such as Valencia will be guaranteed through the budgets.

Rights The PSOE and Sumar will again promote the repeal of the gag law, a law against racism and a State pact in favor of the rights of LGBTI people. Likewise, they guarantee compliance with the Constitution in relation to the renewal of constitutional bodies, especially the General Council of the Judiciary.