In a plebiscite campaign marked by state speeches and the confrontation between Pedro Sánchez and Alberto Nuñez Feijóo (with debates such as the banning of Bildu), the programmatic proposals of the parties that are presented with the intention of forming part of the future Valencian government have dwarfed. Only some, such as the tax reduction or the extension of the consideration of large families to those families with two children, have stood out in a debate where two antagonistic models do lie when it comes to facing the future of public services.

In a campaign highly contaminated by state politics, La Vanguardia tries to explain the main promises (and also some curious and novel ones) of the six parties or coalitions that are currently represented in Les Corts Valencianes.

As we warned, one of the star proposals of the PSPV is the change in the consideration of a large family to extend to the 260,000 families with two children all the rights and regional benefits of large families. Another outstanding debate has been that of housing. The Socialists intend, through the Valencian Institute of Finance, to create a Youth Housing Rental Fund. The promise of offering a job and/or training opportunity to young people under 30 years of age within a maximum period of 12 months is also intended for the young electorate with the aim of improving their employability and accessing a higher quality job and more stability. Yesterday, the president of the Generalitat and general secretary of the PSPV, Ximo Puig, added another proposal and promised to “extend free public transport for young people until the end of the year”

Days before, he had already announced the intention of the Socialists to complete the non-contributory pensions of housewives until they are equalized with the contributory ones.

The star measure of the popular is none other than ending the “fiscal hell of Ximo Puig”. To do this, they propose to modify the regional income tax scale “to benefit all incomes and especially low and medium income.” In addition, his candidate, Carlos Mazón, has promised to eliminate the Inheritance and Gift Tax up to the legal limit of 99% and to reduce the Property Transfer Tax.

On housing, the PPCV aspires to reach the promotion of 10,000 new subsidized homes. In addition, the popular ones are committed to universal free education for 0-3 years and the progressive implementation of free digital backpacks.

As a curious proposal, the PP agrees to help pay the veterinary expenses of companion animals through a voluntary flat rate of 50 euros per year, managed through public-private collaboration.

Compromís has taken advantage of the final week of the campaign to fill different Valencian municipalities with posters with some of their most outstanding proposals. Beyond the cross-cutting demand for better financing that should serve to increase resources in the consolidation and growth of social policies, the Valencian supporters commit to a whole series of measures that will require significant public investment for their implementation. It is no less true that, at election time, everyone’s promises go to the public treasury.

Thus, they propose to regulate the rental price (one of the strong proposals of Unides Podemos); to promote the free service of the school canteen throughout the Infant and Primary stages; put solar panels on 100,000 buildings; that the elderly have a day center less than 20 minutes from home; have head psychologists in each health center; and a free transport for the young forever. In the case of the PSPV, the promise was until the end of the year.

The Vox program is more abstract and more detailed, with themes and issues with a clear ideological component. “We will establish the national priority in access to aid and social bonuses to alleviate the effects of the economic crisis and inflation,” he says in his first point. The second is committed to the “defense of our own traditions, customs and institutions against the false Catalan countries”.

Likewise, they undertake to guarantee that “Spanish is the vehicular language in all educational stages” and to repeal “all gender and historical memory laws; as well as all superfluous regional laws that suppose duplications, such as the Housing Law of the Valencian Community and the Law on Cooperation and Sustainable Development”.

As it could not be otherwise -its candidate is in charge of the Housing powers-, the main commitment of Unides Podem is to regulate the housing market by “limiting rental prices in stressed market areas and limiting homes for tourist use in stressed areas so that they do not exceed 2% of the number of inhabitants residing in cities”.

Along the lines of creating public companies to intervene in the market, Unides Podem proposes creating “public supermarkets in collaboration with the network of cooperatives in the Valencian Community to compete with the large distributors”; create a public Valencian energy company; and even a Valencian public industry for the production of medicines as part of the health system. In addition, UP wants to approve the first Mental Health Law of the Valencian Community, one of its main workhorses of this legislature.

Although it seems complicated that they can have parliamentary representation in the next legislature, Ciudadanos is committed to creating a protection plan for families with flexible working hours, that the “morning” school costs 0 euros and that the rent can be subtracted from opticians, dentists , physiotherapy, extracurricular, pharmacy and interest on your home loan.

Among the most outstanding measures of his electoral decalogue, the idea that university fees are free the first year (the second year only failed subjects would be paid) or the extension of the tourist voucher to the “senior voucher” so that the elderly can enjoy all the corners of the Valencian Community.