Chefs from China will be utilised in a sushi – and china-restaurants all over the Denmark under conditions which the authorities suspect to be ‘systematic trafficking in human beings’.

The writing Magazine 3F.

Hundreds of chinese chefs is coming to Denmark through the so-called beløbsordning that otherwise should protect the labour market against social dumping.

the Scheme is that non-EU citizens can only get work in Denmark, if their employer will give them over 35.582 dollars in monthly salary.

But on the sushirestauranter and chinese restaurants all over the country, it will be abused to recruit chinese chefs, who typically work over 12 hours a day with one or two monthly days off to 7-9.000 dollars per month after tax. This corresponds to an hourly rate of 20-25 dollars.

It can Magazine 3F now reveal after several months to have visited chinese chefs, talked to sources in the chinese restaurationsmiljø and gained access to several key documents from the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI) and the police.

Often the chefs of the spouse who actually work for free – and they must also pay a large part of their wages back to the employer or the intermediaries, as a thank you for the job and the work permit.

Typically, the amount is over 100,000 dollars. In one case from a definite police matter, has the cost of a job in Denmark has been over 300,000 kroner, shows a access Magazine 3F’ve got.

On the way to work the chinese chefs on the paper is legally in Denmark with the Danish authorities ‘ approval.

the Image is confirmed by a number of aktindsigter at SIRI, who even suspect that the chinese chefs and their spouses are subject to systematic exploitation and human trafficking.

Also Rigspolitiets National Efterforskningscenter (NEC), which takes care of the nationwide organized crime, can recognize chinese stories.

– We can see that there is a picture in this area of illegal activity in the several chinese restaurants around the country, writes the national Police to the Magazine 3F.

Beløbsordningens minimum wage at 35.582 crowns are an unusually high salary for a chef in Denmark.

For comparison, earns a Danish chef 26.765 crowns including pension and holiday pay – that is, barely has 9,000 dollars less per month.

– Already that should set alarm bells ringing. It is a very high salary, way above the average pay for chefs, and it should not be hard to verify whether it can hang together, ” says Katia Østergaard, ceo of the trade association for hotels and restaurants in Denmark, Horesta.

In recent years, the number of chinese chefs at the beløbsordningen almost exploded. In 2010 worked 22 chinese in the hotels and restaurants at home. Last year that number had increased to 582.

The chinese chefs who work in illegal conditions, available in the sushi chains and chinese kitchens across the country, shows the documents, as the trade newspaper 3F’ve got access to with SIRI.

Here it appears that restaurant operators in towns like Ringsted, Køge, denmark, Varde, Grindsted, Hillerød, Helsingør, Grenaa, denmark, Holstebro, Slagelse, all of which were reported to the police in 2018 and 2019 in order to exploit the chinese chefs at the beløbsordningen in their sushi – or china-restaurants.

According to the immigration and Integration minister, Mattias Tesfaye (S), it belongs nowhere at home, chinese chefs are being utilized in Denmark.

– here is the exploitation of people. I think it is something damn mess and it looks like most of everything organized crime. It is in all imaginable ways something that makes me angry and furious, he says.

He will now ask for a statement from the SIRI – Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration.