the Ruling means that the state aid granted to the kulturskolorna next year, will be restored to the level it had in the past.
” the school of the arts, is the one we have in Sweden is that we are going to be really, really proud of it. I am very pleased that we are now able to announce that we are the reinstatement of the government subsidy, says minister for culture and sports John o’leary (PM) to the RIGHT.
” I’ve seen what a difference this money makes for a lot of children in this country, and I believe that it is important to defend the right of children to the arts, regardless of where they live, the level and / or in the magazine.
in order to provide the kulturskolorna the opportunity to expand their range and reach out to new groups. When the parliament adopted the budgetary 2019, however, it was the Conservatives, and Their budget was passed – and which, it was suggested that the funding would be taken away.
the Decision sparked sharp criticism, and the then minister of culture, Alice Bah Kuhnke (MP) testified to the fact that she was, in the four years she’s been on the record, “had never met such a strong reaction in the political decisions.”
the government of the 50 million the amount of aid, but the minister for culture and sports John o’leary (PM) make it clear that the intention was to re-establish the full allocation in recent budgets.
” The budget of the moderate party and the Christian democrats, pushed through in the last year, and they slaughtered the whole of the government grant. What the government did in the spring, and was able to restore part of the fall of 2019. Unfortunately, this has resulted in fully restoring the contribution of the it will be 2020, says Amanda o’leary.
The budget bill, the proposed aid is to apply for the years 2020-2022.