Flora by Eventyrhaven in Odense on Tuesday turned into a bit of a sight. The water in the creek has been a skriggrøn color.

It writes TV2 Fyn.

the Municipality of Odense estimates that there probably are talking about fjernvarmevand, as of Tuesday flowing at Eventyrhaven in the city.

– There is probably gone hole on a pipe. It is not toxic, emphasises Anders Dalgaard Christensen, who is head of department at the Water and Scenery in the Odense Municipality, TV2 Fyn.

The strange sight in the creek is likely due to the fact that there is trace elements in fjernvarmevandet.

– There is not something natural, that will give the color – but we know it from the trace elements. There is no reason for concern. It is not toxic, says Anders Dalgaard Christensen from the Water and Nature in Odense.

Ekstra Bladet has tried to get a detailed comment from Vandcenter the South, but they are not returned on request.