The lawyer of the fugitive ex-president of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych Vitaly Serdyuk said that the employees of the company Aver Lex, as well as the lawyer Oleksandr Goroshinsky, met this week with the US lawyers John Pappalardo and Joe Reader during their visit to Ukraine. Serdyuk is convinced that the materials provided to the American colleagues “will be a subject of detailed consideration at the highest level in the United States.”

This week, lawyers of Aver Lex together with lawyer Alexander Goroshinsky met with their American colleagues John Pappalardo and Joe Reader during their visit to Ukraine. This information appeared on Facebook of Vitali Serdyuk, who is defense councel of the fugitive ex-president of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovich Vitaly Serdyuk.

“At the meeting, we provided our American colleagues with detailed information and documents relating to the shooting of law enforcement officers and protesters in the Maidan, as well as involvement of [the people’s deputy from the “Narodniy Front”] Sergei Pashinsky, [Speaker of the Rada] Andriy Parubiy, [out-of-fraction MP] Vladimir Parasyuk etc. In addition, we provided information and documents related to the armed anti-constitutional coup d’etat in winter of 2014, the role of the previous US Administration and the US Embassy in Ukraine in those events, as well as the facts of systemic violations of human rights and corruption by senior Ukrainian officials”, said the lawyer.

Serdyuk added that they and their US colleagues discussed “illegal political persecution of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and his lawyers, “and also passed all documents confirming that the judges of the Obolonsky District Court were making deliberately unfair decisions”. The lawyers said that their colleagues from the United States also received evidence that employees of the Prosecutor General’s Office and personally Prosecutor General of Ukraine performed illegal actions against Yanukovych.

“We provided these and other facts to our American colleagues within the framework of the previously signed contract, which implies the provision of information collected on the territory of Ukraine to Aver Lex on all the above issues. All the evidence that have provided and will collect in the future regarding illegal actions of the current political leadership of Ukraine and also judges and prosecutors involved in the fabrication of criminal cases will be the subject of detailed consideration at the highest level in the United States. It should entail a strong reaction from the USA government, which allocates huge funds to establish in Ukraine the principles of legality and rule of law”  – summarized the lawyer.

Reference: John Pappalardo and Joe Reader are two well-known American lawyers who are now close to the team of US President Donald Trump. In addition, John Pappalardo and Joe and Reeder have extensive contacts in the US political circles and are trusted by the American leadership.

Source : l’Européenne de Bruxelles