the Danish people’s Party, mingling now in the battle for the hotly debated pensioner discount card, mimrekortet.

Earlier this month, reported the association of the public transport on Zealand, the DOT, out, to pensioners and disability pensioners from the summer of 2020 no longer can buy the popular discount cards.

instead, the two groups acquire a travel card, where they will receive a minimum of 40 percent discount in the price when you use public transport.

See also: Furious pensioners: – It’s a disaster

However, the solution is the Danish people’s party ældreordfører Karina Adsbøl critical of.

– I have been bestormet with requests from frustrated citizens, after the here level has been known to the public. They are very concerned about the possible consequences of the abolition of the mimrekortet. For many it is the prospect that the missions become significantly expensive, while others are concerned that they now need to use the digital travel card, says ældreordfører Karina Adsbøl.

Therefore, she has now pulled the transport minister Benny Engelbrecht (S) involved in the case, as she has asked for a statement from.

– It is important for me to know where the minister stands in this question.

the Danish people’s ældreordfører requires a response from the transport minister on how he places himself in relation to the abolition of the mimrekortet. Photo: Yilmaz Polat

Mimrekortet is a physical card, which gives pensioners the opportunity to run with public transport on Zealand and Sydhavsøerne to a particularly favorable and, not least, fixed price.

But from 1. jun deleted card.

instead offered a pensionistrabat of 40 per cent on each journey, when they use rejsekortet or 25 percent on the purchase of a commuter passes.

The popular papkort be replaced according to the current plans for the summer. Instead, pensioners now discount via rejsekortet. Photo: Jan Sommer

According to the DOT the change does lower the travel costs for the vast majority of retirees in the area. But barely 12 percent of the seniors can come to experience price increases of more than 50 percent of the future tariff system.

– The current pensionistrabat is unevenly distributed and therefore not all retirees the same amount to the good. The discount is attractive for pensioners, who use the collective transport in the metropolitan area. But pensioners who live places where there aren’t so many buses and trains, or who do not travel so much, do not get pleasure from the discount. It dishes DOT now with a new pensionistrabat, as all the pensioners on the island of Zealand have equal access to, says a spokesman for the DOT, ressourcedirektør Eskil Thuesen in a just issued press release.

How to get the new discounts

today, the discount is granted to the pensioners in the eastern denmark via the special pensionistkort. Popularly called pensionskortene mimrekort.

Mimrekortet costs between 420 – 840 and provides three months access to the three coherent zones or a completely takstområde distributed on the Movia Capital, Movia West and Movia South.

From 1. June will mimrekortene be replaced with 40 percent pensionistrabat on all one-way flights on travel, also on cross-takstområderne.

Similarly, will the retirees get a 25 percent discount on commuter passes.

the Abolition of the mimrekortet will, according to the transport companies in the association, the DOT’s calculations either mean higher or lower revenue for the companies behind.

Mimrekortet can not be used in peak hours. It can pensioners in the future with the new discounts.

According to the Ældresagen using the 70,000 pensioners in the day of mimrekortet.

Nevertheless insists ældreordfører of the Danish people’s Party, Karina Adsbøl, that the minister takes a decision on the matter.

– Mimrekortet works really, really well for many. Why should we change something that works? It is a concern. I fear, that prevents more people from using public transport. It can increase loneliness and decrease the quality of life, says Karina Adsbøl (DF), who are looking forward to get a response from the minister.

According to DOT get the transport companies either more or less income overall, when the new discounts take effect.

Trafikselskabernes calculations show that some 150,000 retirees with the new discounts, can look forward to cheaper travel, while about 60,000 pensioners will get an extra bill.