a rare sight to see on Monday 11. november off at 13.35, when the planet Mercury will be visible.

It happens again in 2032, writes Illustrated Science.

however, You should have acquired a telescope to see the planet, which will look like a small dot with the sun as the background.

Because the planet has the sun in the background, one should also remember to protect his eyes with special glasses or a sunblock.

According to the duty meteorologist Thyge Rasmussen, one should not, however, count too much on Monday.

– It looks quite cloudy out on Monday, unfortunately. There are the most clouds in the northwestern part of the country, where you can also risk a bit of rain. The south-eastern part of the country are the clouds thinner, but that will probably not be clear.

– to south of the Danish-German border, before the chances of seeing the phenomenon of being really good, says Thyge Rasmussen to Ekstra Bladet.

Mercury is the entire 285 times smaller than the sun, and therefore, even with a telescope, be difficult to spot.

Usually, though, it is something near impossible, to get an eye on the planet. A merkurpassage occurs 13-14 times each century, and happens when the Earth, the Sun and Mercury are on the line.

the First time merkurpassagen was observed was 7. november 1631. The next passage occurs in 2032.