The process of replacing the current shareholders of Celsa (the Rubiralta family) by the creditor funds, as established by a judgment, is progressing unstoppable, for the time being. Yesterday the funds reported that it will be Rafael Villaseca, former CEO of Gas Natural (today Naturgy), the person who will chair the board of directors of the steel mill after the departure of the founding family.

The fund’s advisers met yesterday with members of the Government of the Generalitat in Palau after they did the same in Moncloa on Monday with Manuel de la Rocha, Secretary General of Economic Affairs of the Presidency. At the same time, the current president of Celsa, Francesc Rubiralta, attended a meeting with members of the Government at the Business Ministry. Sources consulted said that the current owners are analyzing some legal or legal options, such as an appeal for protection or the drafting of a letter of complaint to the European Union, although they see little recourse.

As for the future president, Villaseca is currently president of the Naturgy Foundation. In a statement, the funds assured that the manager “will be in charge of presiding over the new board that will pilot the new stage of the company and guarantee its viability and stability”. In the same note, the creditors pointed out that “with the appointment of Villaseca, the funds are betting on a recognized figure and consensus with the Administration, and comply with the commitment announced in their restructuring plan to put the company in the hands of “first level independent executives with a long career”. The USOC union reported that the new owners informed them that, along with Villaseca, there will be four more professionals on the board of directors.

The last step that is needed for the change of shareholders provided for in Monday’s ruling to take place is for the Council of Ministers to approve the entry of foreign investors into Celsa’s capital. Under the royal decree that entered into force on September 1, the central government must decide whether or not to authorize the change of ownership before three months after the funds have requested the green light.

Villaseca is a manager with extensive experience in very diverse sectors, such as food, from Panrico; that of cement, with Molins, and energy, with Naturgy. Also in the steel industry, where he was CEO of Nueva Montaña Quijano, now part of Celsa.

On the next step to be taken, the funds reported that they will work “in close collaboration with all interested parties to ensure that the process of implementing the plan is carried out in the best possible way”.

The employer Foment del Treball, for its part, announced its intention to “get in touch with the new owners and managers of the industrial group to learn about the viability plans and future investments”, after recalling that, in in his opinion, the priorities are “the maintenance of jobs and the social headquarters”. The organization wanted to make it clear that it “respects, as it could not be in any other way, the sentence issued”. Foment committed to dialogue “with the representatives of the Central Government and the Generalitat to achieve the objective of Celsa Group remaining in the business fabric of the country”.

The creditors also had several meetings with the unions present at Celsa, to whom they were informed that the transfer would be peaceful and that the occupation would be respected, explained Franck Morales, secretary general of USOC Celsa Barcelona and member of the committee.