Uffe Elbæk put up to the democratic party, when he at a press conference in december, announced his departure as a political leader for the Alternative.

– I hope it really will be a democratic party for Alternativets members in the relationship to discuss politics and discuss candidates, he said.

But the most recent time, trouble, and internal dissension in the party stolen the picture, and according to Ekstra political commentator Henrik Qvortrup, beats intrigerne fly in the festglæden.

– I think, it is a party. But the democratic party, as Elbæk had imagined, is greatly under pressure. It is not particularly pretty, and it turns out that there is a lust for power among Alternativets people, just as there are all sorts of other places, he says.

Policy Engell: Uffes heirs get the heavy

the First DR News shed light on an attack directed towards a candidate Theresa Scavenius of the 14 members of the Alternative in the north of Zealand. In an op-ed on the party’s internal forum, accusing her, among other things, of lacking ’empathy and humility’.

on Monday, could the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten so tell, that also Josephine Fock met with internal criticism. This time it was former mp for the Alternative Ulla Sandbæk and a former employee of the party, which went to the steel in a facebooktråd, and the criticism was, among other things, to Josephine Fock is ‘unpleasant and manipulative’, and that it would damage the party if she is elected as a political leader.

Josephine Fock has not wanted to comment on the criticism of Jyllands-Posten and Theresa Scavenius replied to DR News that she did not want to go into personangreb.

the Extra Leaf has contacted both Josephine Fock and Theresa Scavenius, but they are not turned back.

the Danish policy – 16. dec. 2019 – at. 18:44 Will fight karrierepolitikere: cat flap saves Uffe

the Danish policy – 16. dec. 2019 – at. 15:03 Uffe Elbæk on storfavorit: no, no, No – yes, yes, yes

Uffe Elbæk, convened in a text message the answer, he is the outgoing leader is ‘completely neutral to the current electoral process in the Alternative’.

On the question, whether he thinks that the members of the democratic party, he had hoped for, is the answer:

‘I think the candidates have been good ambassadors and have focused on policy rather than persons, and it has been great to witness, like it has been uplifting to experience a lively debate on Alternativets future political direction among the members and all the new ones that have joined.’

Henrik Qvortrups assessment sounds, however, that the recent discord may have further consequences than just the upcoming elections for political leader. If the fuss continues after the election, it becomes a problem for the party, which had promised a new political culture.

– Now it is revealed the mercilessly, that the Alternative is exactly like all the other parties, when it comes to power struggles and intrigue. So you might say that innocence a long piece along the way is evaporated, and that it was Elbæks dream, definitely has evaporated, says Henrik Qvortrup.

Henrik Qvortrup don’t think it’s going to topple the candidates, which has been in a tailspin. On the contrary, see Henrik Qvortrup continue both Josephine Fock and Theresa Scavenius as favorites side by side with Rasmus Nordqvist.

And a brand-gently tender from the political commentator on the election result, fall out for Theresa Scavenius’ advantage.

– She represents something new and exciting, and maybe a change of which a great many in the party have regretted after. Now we have just had bastskørternes era, and I think that parts of the Alternative like a tougher style, where one goes after power, and it represents Resignation, says Henrik Qvortrup.

the Extra Leaf has been addressed to the six candidates who 1. February must fight for the members ‘ votes, in order to take the temperature of the election campaign.

Sascha Faxe, Rasmus Foged and Mira Issa Bloch is returned.

, Graduates: It is a democratic celebration

Sascha Faxe: It is a democratic celebration

– How do you think the campaign is going?

– I think we get a really important and in-depth conversation around the country, about where we really want to go.

– For me, it’s almost an organisational development process, we have time, we also get reflected together around the country. It is quite amazing, because it provides both the strength and enthusiasm, but also a clearer mandate for the of us, that ends up being selected, she says.

– How do you you to the internal criticism that has been against individual candidates?

– Well, I do not comment personsager. I will not make myself the judge of either what they say or what they do, but I think it is important that we take the debate, as we each think is necessary, she says.

– do you Think it is a democratic party?

– I think it is. For me, this is a very important democratic process, we go to it in a different way than they do in many other parties or organizations, because all members can vote.

– So on the way is it a democratic party. I am very interested in the fact that we are a magtdelingsparti both internally and externally. For me it is important that we are as open as we are, she says.


Rasmus-Arms: No division between the candidates

– How do you think the campaign is going?

– I think it goes very fine. We are out to a lot of good discussions, and I think there is great interest, he says.

– How do you you to the internal criticism that has been against individual candidates?

– I have seen it, but I did not want to comment on it, he says.

– As Uffe Elbæk said that he hoped in a democratic party, he was asked whether he was afraid that a elections would create discord. Do you find that there is discord between the candidates?

– Not between the us candidates no. We have a good tone, and a good relationship to each other, and it is also quite evident from the debate we have been out for, he says.


Mira Issa Bloch: There is a super atmosphere

Mira Issa Bloch is turned back on Ekstra query in a TEXT. She writes that the campaign is going well.

‘There are super mood, the six places we have been. There are many members that have sprung up. Candidates from there are also good mood, and we are living in the debates up to our values and debatdogmer.’

‘It’s a great democratic party,’ she writes.

She has no comments to the internal allegations, that have been against the Resignation and Fock.

Photo: Søren E. Alwan / Ritzau Scanpix