I will be working opposite James’s church, at Kungsan, and have always wondered over the year, which is over the gate, which opens onto James’s square. It is from 1644, with the fyrorna bakochfram? I have asked the staff of the church, but no one will know. Can you analyse this?
periodically, I ask you the readers to raise their expectations (usually in the context of promenadtävlingarna), and it’s funny that you asked me to do the same. And of course it looks strange with such wrong orientation numbers?
Jacob’s church is one of the churches that are part of the Domkyrkoförsamlingen, and I have contacted the domkyrkokaplan Ulf Lindgren. In this role, he is responsible for the operation and function of the. Ulf is an expert in church history.
“Actually, I’m the best in the 1700s, but I’m pretty good at 1600 as well,” he says modestly.
in any case, had the Ulf did not notice the strange guldfyrorna, but the ride hand on the Square, in order to take a closer look at the numbers and not just numbers. He also took note of the fact that the word first (to the left of the 1644 is spelled with one n and not the much more common two.
” It’s a sign that we are in the us in the 1600s, when hand-writing, spelling, punctuation and grammar were not defined, so the question is, if it’s not a matter of the imagination. You can see it’s outcome. It is not uncommon to have the stuff in the 1600’s was upside-down, and vice versa, ” said Ulf Lindgren.
concerning the church of god. Photo: Eva-Karin Gyllenberg
” It could be deliberate, by some magical reason. The 1600 has a lot of magic, and when you take a closer look at the numbers it looks almost as if they were set down, and the mirror, ” said Ulf Lindgren.
He thinks it’s more of a look, fyrorna is pointing up instead of to the right. Therefore, they should be able to be an example of a man looking up to God, ” he said.
the Imagination is the word.
In the book, ”The secrets”, which I wrote about in a boktrave in the past, it says nothing about the odd-positioned digits. On the contrary, if the two boards with gold lettering on each side of the figure, in the middle of it. On the left is dedicated to the famous admiral Henrik Fleming, and the one to the right of his wife, She Kurzel, who paid for this great site.
Personally, I think Jacob’s church is one of the most beautiful, both in form and in color. The church has served in a variety of color over the course of the year. When the church was restored in the 1960’s, and the roof is added, if it was much paler (gulgrå). In this takarbete was discovered that the original red plaster. It was used, and I think that was a good decision.
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