finally, the day when Russia went to retaliate against WADA, who last week ruled out the russians from all olympic sports and from all world championships for four years.

from Russia came Thursday from two fronts. The country’s president, Vladimir Putin used his how-to is-year-gone to the press conference to tell us he doesn’t think it is fair to punish Russia further, and that any penalties must be individual and not collective.

new there, but it was interesting that the woman who was at the press conference asked Putin questions about dopingsagen, himself a former convicted of using prohibited substances.

now working as a sports journalist, but she was in the nineties a prominent 100-metre runs. Thus, she participated at the OLYMPICS in Barcelona in 1992. Two years after the was only the cannon for the use of steroids and was banned for two years. Now that raises the question, which Putin would like to have, and he used to say that he does not understand, that Russia should be punished twice for the same offence.

that the Russian president is talking against better knowledge. Since WADA last week ruled RUSSIA for four years, it was because of the manipulations, Russian dopingmyndigheder had made of the material, which after months of delay, was handed over to the international dopingkontrollanter in January.

WADA evidence that the russians had tampered with the data to remove the evidence of positive drug testing. Also discovered the WADA, that the material had been injected false messages in an attempt to throw the blame on Grigory Rodchenkov, who was previously chief of the laboratory in Moscow. Rodchenkov is hiding in a secret location in the UNITED states, where he has been a nøglevidne for WADA.

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Grigory Rodchenkov skjuller in the day somewhere in the UNITED states. Photo: Andreas Selliaas.

was not the only freshman, who took Thursday to go to counterattack. The board of directors of the Russian anti-doping agency, RUSADA, decided to appeal against WADA’s decision on the exclusion of four years for the international court of arbitration for sport, CAS.

the appeal is expected to be implemented no later than 31. december, and it is expected that the CAS will need three months to hear the case. Still in good time before the OLYMPICS in Tokyo, which begins 24. July.

the stated goal is to be allowed to stand under the national flag and to remove all forms of sanctions. So good, the world is hardly, nor seen with Russian eyes. But there is no doubt that the IOC’s president, Thomas Bach, will go far to satisfy his friend in the Kremlin. Bach will make every effort to find a compromise.

events in Moscow demonstrates, unfortunately, that the old regime has won the internal struggle. Earlier in the year said RUSADA’s director, Yuri Ganus, to Ekstra Bladet, that the manipulated samples from January was a disaster for Russia, and if there were to be cleared up, it would require a cleansing among both Russian idrætsledere and the country’s sportspolitikere.

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RUSADA’s director Yuri Ganus, to the right, tells us Magazine that must be cleared up at the top of Russian sport. Photo: Andreas Selliaas.

the initiative of RUSADA’s board of directors yesterday, in conjunction with Putin’s statements, it seems that Yuri Ganus has been hamstrung. There are no concessions or self-knowledge from the official Russian side. We see only a repetition of the old pattern: Benægt, benægt, benægt. Right up until the priest comes and gives the last rites.

See also: Stole the picture again: They should be thrown out!

See also: Deeply shocked: – I didn’t believe it, I saw

See also: FIFA greases for Putin: Exposing the doping investigation.

See also: Detection: Russia has fiddled with doping since 1980