A well-known hash-pusher from Christiania, living on social assistance, was inside with a million-fortune in his apartment in the Tower, which the police raided on Tuesday during another action against the organised hashhandel.
Officers found 129.085 kr. in cash, a diamond ring for 74.000 dkk., and more watches for a total value of 951.000 kr.
Capital, on a total of 1.154.085 kr. corresponds to the sales of the well 23 kilos of hashish, which the 53-year-old is now charged with. He refuses guilty and did not want to comment in Copenhagen dommervagt, where he was remanded in 13 days.
Police believe that the 53-year-old sold marijuana products from hashbod 5 in Pusher Street in association with the four named pushers. It appears from the order of the court; from the grundlovsforhøret, which Ekstra Bladet has gained an insight into.
When the police struck against the boden was found approximately 350 grams of hashish, 48 grams of skunk, 24 general joint and 11 large joints. Police observations showed that a part of the warehouse were sold to a number of unidentified buyers, including 50 grams of hashish, nine joints and skunk.
the Police presented photos and video footage for the judge, who then believed that there were reasonable grounds for suspecting that the accused has participated in the sale from the bod 5. The judge was also of the view that there are reasonable grounds to suspect that the 1.1 million dkk. derived from the cannabis trade.
‘Having regard to the found of the large amount of money on the arrested place of residence, and the most valuable watches, in conjunction with the information that the arrested persons living on social assistance, as well as arrested movement in Christiania, the court finds that there are reasonable grounds for suspicion’, reads the ruling.
The 53-year-old has been known in the hash environment on Christiania for many years, and he got in may 2016, two years and nine months in prison for organised hashhandel in the case, which was called “Operation northern Lights’.
Lars-Ole Karlsen from the Operational Centre, which was responsible for the action of Pusher Street on Tuesday, confirming the arrest of the 53-year-old.
– Is it normal that In the finder, so large values in Christiania?
– It is a very large values, and the case stands out as exceptional. But we often see that dealers are in possession of large sums of money, ” says Lars-Ole Karlsen.
From 2012 to 2014, investigating police targeting hashhandlen in Christiania, in ‘Operation northern Lights’, which culminated with a anholdelsesaktion 13. march 2014. Later were 76 people indicted in six major pusher cases.
The 53-year-old, who has lived in Christiania for over 30 years, was accused of having sold approximately 148 pounds of marijuana, and he was then convicted both in the district court, high court and Supreme court. He was released on parole 21. april 2017, and his probation has expired.