The Government of Pere Aragonès has emerged victorious, in the voting section, in the general policy debate of the Parliament of Catalonia that was held this week. PSC, Junts per Catalunya and En Comú Podem, each on their own, included in the resolutions a censure of the Catalan Executive for its weak situation and for the “lack of trust” or lack of leadership. The three groups have managed to approve their resolutions by voting among themselves, without the need to compromise them and with the only vote against, in all three cases, of the Esquerra Republicana group.

But beyond the specific resolutions on this matter, the plenary session approved resolutions on specific issues about which the monochrome Catalan administration of ERC has reluctance, such as large economic projects – such as the Hard Rock in the Tarragona region – and infrastructure –fourth belt–, or about the Ryder Cup.

Thus, Junts highlights that more than 90% of the points that they have submitted to the plenary session have been approved, while the Republicans do not reach 40% approval; They have remained at 36%.

The text censuring the Government of PSC and JxCat presented practically identical wording, which states “the lack of confidence of the majority of the chamber in the Government of the Generalitat.” The resolution of the commons, which has gone ahead with the support of all groups except for ERC, which has voted against, and the CUP, which has abstained, reveals “the lack of leadership and legislative initiative” of the Government, while calling on Aragonès to present a Budget proposal for 2024 with the aim of it coming into force on January 1.

During the interventions, the parliamentary spokesperson of the PSC, Alícia Romero, and that of JxCat, Mònica Sales, have emphasized this circumstance, beyond the disagreement of socialists and post-convergents regarding the political debate on amnesty and self-determination, which also has had its space in this general policy debate.

Romero has reproached the Republicans for not having detailed any economic amount in their proposals and for always talking about “consolidating, strengthening, increasing…” without detailing how much money each aspect entails. “They repeat proposals and things already approved,” the socialist deputy told them. Sales, for her part, has drawn on the usual “solvency and independence” that she attributes to her role. David Cid, spokesman for the commons, has pointed out that Aragonès is a Gvern “in process” that “neither excites nor excites”, and that it has a “lack of leadership and political initiative”, as well as an inability “to comply and execute the budget.

In Junts, after the debate, they congratulate themselves on the degree of approval of their resolutions and establish themselves as an “alternative” to the ERC Government.