Prince Joachim of denmark have through the years had to find themselves in the nicknames, as ‘His royal røghed’ and ‘Prince of Light’.

Now, however, he emerged as an ex-smoker.

Prince Joachim has dropped his unhealthy habit. Photo: Stine Tidsvilde

In an interview with Billed-Bladet he tells that it was a wish from the children that made the difference.

– They would like to have, that I stopped, so I promised them that I would, says Joachim, who stopped 12 minutes before midnight on his 50th birthday 7. June of this year.

Racer-Stomp get out a smoke for the Copenhagen Historic Grand Prix in 2015. Photo: Henrik Petersen / Ritzau Scanpix

For the magazine, he adds that although he has been a heavy smoker for a longer number of years – was not hard to stop.

I had prepared some time before, and it actually has not been difficult. I have not missed it, ” says Joachim.

Prince Joachim keeps smøgpause at Nørre Uttrup boxes at Aalborg. Photo: Ole Kjaer

In an article from 2007, it appears that Joachim each quarter got 5,000 personal cigarettes in packages adorned with his own personal monogram.

This is equivalent to 20,000 cigarettes per year, which converted to daily consumption will say that Joachim, at that time, sucked the 54 cigarettes a day.

Joachim personal cigarette pack with monogram and name. Photo: Jesper Stormly Hansen

With Joachim quitting smoking is queen Margrethe is now the only remaining smoker in the royal family. Since 2006 she has not smoked in public.

Frederick and the smoke also in his younger days, but stopped – reportedly after pressure from Mary – smoking for more than 10 years ago.

A young prince Joachim enjoys a smoke. Photo: Jens Dresling