Alternativets former gruppeforperson and political rapporteur Carolina Magdalene Maier is no longer a member of the party.

It tells she on Thursday in the London-podcast Cordua & Steno, writes

According to the media came the withdrawal some time ago.

– I was out hiking for a whole month in september, where I had to make up with myself what I should do with my future working life, and for me it was important to say goodbye to the part of my life, which has been politically active, says Carolina Magdalene Maier in the program.

Valg19 – 8. jun. 2019 – at. 13:54 Showdown in the Alternative: Y-profile lashing out at Uffe after vælgerlussing

She justifies among other things, his choice, that she needs to stand more freely in relation to his civilian career.

Carolina Magdalene Maier reported a week ago out that she 1. december begins as head of secretariat of the Danish council for adult education.

– When you have been sitting in Parliament for a party and also have been both political rapporteur and chairman, one can say that it is to continue to be a member of the party can mean that there are still sticking it here sticker that I speak on behalf of the Alternative.

– there are many, who believe. However, it is important for me to say that I do not more, says Carolina Magdalene Maier.

She lost her seat in the Danish Parliament at the election 5. June, as the Alternative lost one of the party’s two seats in the Copenhagen Constituency.

the Party went back by choice, where the Alternative obtained five seats. It was four fewer seats than when the party came to Parliament in the first attempt at elections in 2015.

Carolina Magdalene Maier expressed after valgnederlaget criticism by, among others, the party’s political leader, Uffe Elbæk, who lost many votes at the general election in the year in relation to the elections in 2015.

It was instrumental in the Carolina Magdalene Maier despite the progress in his personal votes were not re-elected.

Alternativets møgsager

Møgsagerne began in earnest to rain down over the Alternative up to the local elections in 2017.

It emerged that one of the party’s candidates in Copenhagen, Stine Bardeleben Interview had chosen to withdraw. In an internal mail criticized she partiledelsens ‘fremmedstyring’ of the regional office in Copenhagen. In addition, she highlighted that the party’s candidate at the head of the capital, Niko Grünfeld, had gone solo in the case of the controversial housing complex on Amager Fælled.

Five days before the local elections could Jyllands-Posten to tell you that a krænkelsessag had hit the Alternative. A young party member had after a party had a cross-border experience with an older employee at the party at the Palace. The case led to a overgrebsanklage, which was reported to the police, but according to the accused, was not called the charge. The employee in question was fired, but shortly after was he still employed in a project abroad.

Subsequently, Mathilde Boesen, who is a former næstforperson in the party, stood up and told us about the krænkelsesagen. In the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten fixed she is a fierce criticism of the partiledelsens behavior.

– The handling felt like yet another failure, she said to the newspaper.

Jyllands-Posten has also been able to tell that another senior member in the party had been given a written warning for having acted in violation of the party’s values.

Jyllands-Posten could also report that the employees in the Alternative had been urged by the head of press Magnus Haslebo to post pictures of their ‘dick in the flaccid state’. The call came in an internal email to the party’s employees and leadership. The images were used in conjunction with a 100-year birthday on Alternativets favorite bar, Centralhjørnet, so the party could give a little shrewd collage’. Magnus Haslebo noted that the party’s leader, Uffe Elbæk, ‘of course, is the idea’

the Day before the local elections against the group chairman René Block its colleagues to participate in a valgfest, as the Alternative in Copenhagen should hold. The feast was to be kept on the bar, Monastic, who both could offer a ‘fuckswing’ and ‘dark room’.

In October last year smoke Alternativets kulturborgmester Niko Grünfeld out in a møgsag, when Radio24syv revealed that he had used the 130,000 dollars to redecorate his borgmesterkontor with designer furniture. Among the purchases were three tables to 36,000 crowns, two benches to 14,000 crowns and a custom-designed daybed to 10,000 crowns. The Grünfeld went otherwise to the choice of a ‘sustainable procurement’ in the municipality, where there would be ‘social’ and ‘economic’ considerations. Niko Grünfeld resigned as mayor on top of the case.

In the course of three years managed the Alternativets then political rapporteur, Carolina Magdalene Maier, to cover at least 173.790 kilometres in an airplane seat. It could be the blog Free Speech Blog tell. If anyone has the Alternative otherwise the climate as a key issue.On Facebook acknowledged the Carolina Magdalene Maier that she had flown too much. Also has Extra Leaf been able to uncover, that Uffe Elbæk had also been an avid customer of the airlines.

Last Ekstra Bladet revealed that a suspect irregularities in the accounts of Alternativets folketingsgruppe has been the case for the authorities. Behind the notification to the Danish parliament’s highest body, the Presidium, is the former treasurer of the party, Theis Krarup Hansen.

– There is an issue around the mess in the economy. Which has been exchanged amounts between the national organization and Alternativets folketingsgruppe at Christiansborg. It’s pretty easy to see that smoking money from the national organization to Christiansborg, but I have not been able to get an insight into what is happening with them away, he explains.