The parliamentary groups of PP and Vox will defend tomorrow each amendment to the entirety with alternative text to the reform of the Congressional Regulations that allows the use of co-official languages ??in Congress.

The popular group will register the amendment before 6:00 p.m. “with the objective that the Congress regulations are not modified” and points out that “any reform thereof must be carried out by consensus within the framework of the Regulations Commission.” For its part, the far-right group wants the regulations to be modified, but not to allow the use of co-official languages, but to force deputies to use Spanish in all their parliamentary activities.

Furthermore, those from Santiago Abascal want to know how much it will cost to apply the new rules that contemplate the use of Catalan, Galician and Basque and to this end they have presented a letter to the Congress Board.

The alternative text of Santiago Abascal’s contains a single article. Specifically, they are committed to adding a new section to article 15 of the Regulation so that Spanish is the only language in the parliamentary sphere. “The deputies are obliged to use Spanish in the exercise of their parliamentary activity, both in their oral interventions and in the writings they present in Congress,” reads the text proposed by Vox.

The plenary session of Congress to debate these two amendments to the entirety will begin tomorrow at 9:00 am, but they will not prosper since the reform of the regulation was endorsed yesterday in plenary session by an absolute majority, with the favorable votes of the PSOE, Sumar, ERC , Bildu, PNV, Junts, BNG and CC; the same ones who will predictably reject both initiatives.

A reform that will implement the use of Catalan, Basque and Galician with translation in all parliamentary activity and that provides for a maximum period of six months to have the necessary means to process documents presented in an official language other than Spanish. Meanwhile, deputies who present their writings in Catalan, Galician or Basque must include the translation.

On the other hand, in the Congress Session Log all the interventions and agreements adopted in the plenary sessions, in the Permanent Deputation and in the commissions will be reproduced in full, both in the language in which they were pronounced and in Spanish.