PP and Vox have begun this Wednesday in Les Corts Valencianes the parliamentary procedures for the educational freedom law that aims to change the linguistic model of educational centers. The debate on the taking into consideration of the norm promoted by the government partners of the Consell has shown the discrepancy between the promoters – who understand that the future norm opens the door for parents to choose the base language in which their children study. – and its detractors, who regret the lack of pedagogical criteria in the law and who believe that Valencian will be removed from the classrooms.

Thus, while for the PP and Vox today is an “extremely happy” and “historic day”, for the PSPV and Compromís it is an “infamous day” and the beginning of a “dark period for the Valencian people.” And in addition to the educational text, this Wednesday the debate on five legislative norms begins, not without controversy: the concord law and the rules to change the Anti-Fraud Agency and the structure of regional television. All protected by the parliamentary majority of PP and Vox.

In a tense debate with several interruptions, the deputy spokesperson of the PP, Juanfran Pérez, defended that with the educational law “it is not going to put an end to Valencian, quite the opposite” by changing the “imposition of Botànic for promotion” . Pérez has argued that with the current linguistic model, Valencian has been losing speakers and has linked it to the idea that there has been rejection of the minority language due to this supposed imposition. “How afraid are they of parents voting?” he reiterated.

Along the same lines, Júlia Llopis (Vox) has pointed out that in Spanish-speaking areas, students will also be able to choose Valencian as their base language: “We respect Valencian and Spanish equally.” Llopis has highlighted that to promote Valencian, the law provides for certifying students who study this language and acquire a certain level (C1 will be obtained with a high school average of 7).

For his part, the PSPV deputy, José Luis Lorenz, a teacher by profession, has complained about the lack of pedagogical criteria in the norm and has stressed that families already choose the linguistic model of each center through a reinforced majority in the School Council. Lorenz has wondered what will happen to the network of free textbooks if each year the model can be changed by vote (which would make the chosen books useless).

The Compromís parliamentarian Gerard Fullana (from Compromís) has accused the PP of wanting to divide Valencians according to the chosen language and of seeking a “confrontation” while “they steal with both hands.” Fullana has pointed out that the new norm will cause a “segregation” of students and has predicted that Compromís “will knock it down in court.”

With clear positions on the matter, the vote will take place on Thursday and PP and Vox will allow the law to begin its parliamentary process with the idea that it will be approved before the summer. However, most of the changes will not occur until the 2025/2026 academic year.