Transport minister Benny Engelbrecht (S) will initiate an external investigation of PostNord Denmark.

It happens after that, several politicians have received an anonymous letter with specific charges of fraud in PostNord.

It writes the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, which is in the possession of the letter. The newspaper will convey is not the specific content, as the charges are not proven.

the Letter from the secret sender fills about one A4-sheet. It contains a number of serious accusations of fraud and nepotism in PostNord.

Mainly trades accusations that PostNord confuse the part of the business, which trades on the universal service area – delivery of letters and packages after agreement with the state – with PostNord Logistics, which perform other logistics tasks.

Postordførere and the minister of transport has discussed the letter Tuesday night. The charges are taken very seriously. Several parties consider that the charges in the letter should lead to a larger study of PostNord Denmark.

Among them is Left. Postordfører Kristian Pihl Lorentzen (V) denotes it as “very serious and quite concrete accusations”.

– Therefore, we of course need to as soon as possible to get examined to the bottom, there are teams in them. Or if it is just pure fabrication. I hope at the last, he says to Ritzau.

Also, The Radical will have an examination.

– It is serious. But we have also already received a letter from PostNord, where they reject it all.

– First and foremost, it must be examined whether the accusations are correct. For if they are, then there is something of it that is directly illegal, says transportordfører Andreas Steenberg to the news agency Ritzau.

the DF’s postordfører, Hans Kristian Skibby, was one of the mps, which received the anonymous letter.

He explains to the Jyllands-Posten, that the charges were reminiscent of the criticisms, as also some of postnord’s competitors have had. It confirms him in that the charges must be investigated, regardless of the mysterious sender.

Benny Engelbrecht will now “put time in a thorough external analysis of the cash flows of PostNord Denmark,” he writes in an email to the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten.

PostNord rejects all of the accusations in the anonymous letter.

– There is talk about the absurd accusations in an anonymous letter, which is completely baseless.

All the allegations in the letter are wrong and are sent anonymously by a person with no insight in the actual situation. PostNord can refute all the charges in the letter, writes Peter Kjær Jensen, managing director of PostNord Denmark, to the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten.