The 8,946 tables in the 2,730 Catalan polling stations have been set up normally and without notable incidents having been recorded beyond some usual setback that has been resolved in most cases before the opening, as reported this Sunday by the delegation of the Government in Catalonia.

Although the voting for these municipal elections began at 9 in the morning, the polling stations have opened their doors at eight to be able to set up the tables and verify all the electoral material such as ballot boxes, booths, signaling supports, envelopes, ballots or forms. that accredit interveners and attorneys-in-fact.

In addition to voting in person, a total of 80,189 people have requested to vote by mail in Catalonia.

The electoral device has thousands of workers from the General State Administration and the mobilization of 9,125 police officers: 1,100 from the National Police Corps; 1,160 from the Civil Guard; 3,891 of the Mossos d’Esquadra Cos; and 2,974 from local police officers.

In this way, the participation of representatives and transmitters of information will be counted to guarantee the exemplarity of the conference.

These representatives will have as their main function to collaborate with the citizens chosen by lottery for the composition of the polling stations, as well as to provide the transmitters with the constitution data from 8:00 a.m., the progress of participation at 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. and, from 20 hours, the data of the scrutiny.

In Barcelona, ​​there will be a total of 3,798 representatives, 529 in Tarragona, 478 in Girona, and 417 in Lleida.