It began as pure pip – and it continues as the pure pip. It will apparently never end.

today, the 81-year-old Hans-Jørgen Kruse from Esbjerg shaking moment on the head about the authorities ‘ treatment of him, after he last year on a chinese website bought a so-called halskniv – known from Counter-Strike-game.

the 81-year-old Hans-Jørgen Kruse from Esbjerg was forced to deliver his hunting guns, his hunting license was revoked, because he had purchased a counterstrike knife to his 11-year-old granddaughter. A few months later appeared the suddenly a spritnyt hunting license up. Photo: TV SYD

the Grandson of 11 years wanted burning knife, which cost $ 45. Kruse was convinced that he had ordered a decorative knife and not a lethal weapon.

Community – 17. dec. 2018 – at. 13:10 80-year-old severely punished for to buy cheap Counter-Strike-knife to the grandson

But the Danish customs officials seized the knife, as they thought, to halskniven was a weapon.

– I had 3,000 dollars in fines to the police. At the same time I got involved my weapons permit and my hunting license, narrates the 80-year-old man who has gone hunting since he was 22 years – and which, incidentally, is still a member of the national guard.

But the end trouble shooting no.

– I was forced to sell all of my weapons with the loss. The police demanded that I disposed of them immediately. And now comes the strange thing. For the month of march I suddenly had sent a brand new hunting license, without that I had applied for it, says Hans-Jørgen Kruse.

It is the normal practice, that you can only expect to get his seized hunting license again after five years. But here came it is according to the weapon-amputees hunter to fall all by itself. So Kruse contacted his lawyer, who was prepared to go to court with the case.

My lawyer wrote to the Police to see if there was a mistake, since I got jagttegnet again so quickly – and even without an application.

It is now eight months ago, and police still have not answered the inquiry. It is simply too bad, says the 81-year-old retiree.

Lawyer Stefan Schønemann Jakobsen confirms his client’s preparation of the case.

– It is correct, that I am writing contacted the Police eight months ago. I still have not received a response. I can not remember such a poor service from the police side opposite the citizens, notes Stefan Schønemann Jakobsen.

It is the environmental protection Agency, which issues the jagttegnet. But before that can happen, the police have given consent, that the hunter also can get it. The police checks among the person in kriminalregistret, before consent can be given.

– I have no idea whether the authorities just have been tired of Hans-Jørgen Kruse and jagttegnet to him for peace. Or if there is a regular error.

But it is extremely important for my client to know where he stands. He risks the to get an unconditional prison sentence of two years, if he is caught with a shotgun in your hand, without to have a valid hunting license, explains the lawyer.

the Lawyer wonders also, the 81-year-old man absolutely had to dispose of his weapons with 14 days notice, when he saw a few months later, again got his hunting license sent to you.

– the Police gave a blank refusal, that my client could wait to hand over their weapons to the case was tried before a court, inform the lawyer to Ekstra Bladet.

The lack of response from the Police also means that the lawyer Stefan Schønemann Jakobsen are now barred from going to court with the case.

– How should I, when I can’t get to know whether there is a case, ask the lawyer who is just as frustrated as his client over the police’s slow processing.

the Extra Leaf has several times tried in vain to get a comment through Rigspolitiets the press office. But here is the phone not answered.

Last year, it emerged that police across the country have many cases of confiscated weapons, as citizens mistakenly believe are souvenirs or innocent toys.

Therefore, warns the police against the import or bring back these weapons from the holidays.