Julepynten at the Palace was not grand enough.

So clear was the message from Pia Kjærsgaard, when she in november sat down at the keyboard and sent an email to the Parliamentary Bureau and the Parliament to the executive board.

She was particularly unhappy that the tower at Christiansborg palace and the Palace square was not lit enough in the dark time.

Therefore, she in no uncertain terms, Henrik Dam Kristensen (S), her successor as president of the Danish parliament, to give juleudsmykningen an extra bucket of coal.

In 2018, there were ten large christmas trees with the lights on the Palace square. In 2019, just two. Not good enough according to the ex-president.

But the message from Henrik Dam Kristensen was soleklar in a follow-up email sent to Pia Kjærsgaard and the small circle of a handful of elected representatives and a similar number of administrative leaders, which stands for the Parliamentary day to day operation.

the Cost of christmas decorations were in Pia Kjærsgaards last embedsår been all too high, stressed from.

A half a million years 2018-juleregnskabet up in. And it was too expensive, said Henrik Dam Kristensen to its predecessor.

Also used the Parliamentary staff of 215 man-hours on the comprehensive oppyntning. This equates to nearly six weeks of full-time work.

Particularly the row of christmas trees on the Christiansborg Slotsplads got the cost to run in the weather.

even Though the trees were secured with heavy concrete blocks, then tumbled several times and the crew was summoned.

Why cut Henrik Dam Kristensen down on julepynten.

Henrik Dam Kristensen did not want to comment on the matter, but the press officer in the Danish Parliament, Claus Brask informs that Pia Kjærsgaard at the beginning of november 2018 outside of the Parliamentary Bureau approved the budget for this year’s christmas ornament on a half a million dollars.

Mette Fredriksen in front of a christmas tree in the Parliament in december 2018. The tree was a part of the decor as the total cost to the treasury of over half a million dollars Photo: Linda Johansen

Could be done for 15.000 kr.

to heave the cost of the weather for the decoration in 2018 was, among other things, a lighting designer from Tivoli, 10 and six meters high christmas trees and extensive christmas lighting in the tower at Christiansborg.

The 215 man-hours went to the Parliamentary staff who, in the course of november and december maintained and cleaned juleudsmykningen.

The final cost ran up in 507.000 crowns. The small budgetoverskridelse due to vandalism against the christmas trees on the Palace square.

In november 2019 decided Henrik Dam Kristensen therefore cut the budget for the christmas ornament tremendously down. For just dkk 15,000 was Christiasnborg decorated in the just-ended festive season in 2019.

Claus Brask, press officer in the Danish Parliament, stresses that he as a civil servant has no position to juleudsmykningen.

– I will inform you just the cold facts, he says.

About Henrik Dam Kristensen’s decision to cut down on the cost of the christmas ornament, he says:

– I can only say, that the new president decided that there would be less money.

Contained in the half-million dollars is also the 120,000 crowns for the light chains, which the Danish Parliament has stored for later use.

Such as Pias christmas trees on the Palace square out. Photo: Private

These decorations also met the visitors in the Danish Parliament in december 2018. Photo: Privatforo

Pia Kjærsgaard: I was probably forhippet on the christmas trees

Pia Kjærsgaard admits that a half a million dollars to the christmas ornament is way too much money.

I recalled, simply not that it cost so much, to be quite honest. But it is a crazy price. I completely agree with.

It amazes me that it comes behind on you, that it cost so much. You approved the budget?

– If the administration says it, so I have also done it.

– I’m very sorry. I can’t remember it. But it is my responsibility.

– It is surely not so strange that it becomes expensive when one hires a lighting designer from Tivoli.

– It is so not on my table.

– So it was not something you decided?

– No, it was certainly not. We had it up in the Bureau, where all were agreed that there was to be a christmas ornament. But how it happened and who you have hired, it’s not something the president is dealing with.

– Okay, but the decision to juleudsmykningen should be on the level, was a decision you took. It says the administration?

– Well, no doubt, that if the administration says, I have approved the amount, so I have approved it.

– But it’s not something where I have said, now you shall do such and such. It is not my table.

Pia Kjærsgaard stresses that the decision to hire a lighting designer from Tivoli was not her. Kæmpebudgettet acknowledge she is responsible for. Here is she on election night in last year. Photo: Olivia Loftlund

– the Decision to juleudsmykningen had to be something out of the ordinary, the Bureau has not been involved. It was your decision, inform the administration.

– I must just say that all have been happy with it. I think, in fact never ever to someone who has come up with so many comments, but none have subsequently thought, how much does it cost. There was not any, who disagree in the Bureau. Or against it. On the contrary.

– But anyway, you say that you approved the budget at half a million.

– Who says that?

– It informs Claus Brask from the administration.

– Yes, okay. It says I also. I amazes me today that I probably have been so forhippet to get the christmas trees up so I don’t have said, it is simply just too much money.

– It is the responsibility of the chairperson. I will try in no way to renounce me. Not at all.

– How are you doing with that Henrik Dam on the way lifted the stylus over for you?

– It is perfectly fine. The amount is gone my nose over. It is too much money. And good we got the light – if I may say so, it. The pigeons just not. And I understood his decision, says Pia Kjærsgaard.