Peter Mygind is just now current in julefilmen ‘Last Christmas’, where the Danish actor is facing big stars like ‘Game of Thrones’actress Emilia Clarke and the british Hollywood star Emma Thompson.

the Film is shot and takes place in London, and while christmas is progressing something different in the film, so wont be the Danish actor to take christmas a little more traditionally, an in her home in Charlottenlund.

– We keep christmas at home with us this year, and those who come, they come. We keep it for those who want to. It is very important to both the duck and roast pork. My brother-in-law has just been divorced, so suddenly a lot of ramifications in the family. In the past, we celebrated it all together. Now there come new families, so it spreads out, says Peter Mygind.

– My best juleaftener are the ones with my sons. The first year I could also be santa claus, without my children be able to recognize me, but then they discovered it. Now there come a whole new energy into the house with my granddaughter, Rosa. It is so fun to have her running, and now I can almost dress myself out again, he says.

the Actor has, however, one christmas, as he thinks back on as the worst:

When I was 20 years old, my parents were not at home. I was sitting alone in a lorteværelse in Valby. I went to one or the other bodega and drink some christmas beer after eating my own bad takeaway food. It was lonely, he explains.

See also: Megabryllup: Danish kendissøn married

Like so many others are Peter Myginds christmas also marked by a few special christmas traditions.

– We have an old villa with three apartments, then we will decorate the whole hallway up with christmas balls. It makes my mother-in-law with our granddaughter now. Last year we did it, we gave each other gifts on the morning. In the evening there was no gifts, which ate and we talked, and it was pretty awesome, he tells.

– I am also an ambassador for the Red Cross, and they hold every year an event for people who don’t have so much family. That I take into on christmas eve, where I sing and give hugs, he continues and adds:

– The first advent, I usually go in one of our good friends ‘ flower shop in Hellerup, where I sing christmas in with ‘White Christmas’ and tells christmas stories for her customers.

See also: Peter Mygind on the ‘Taxi’-the role: – He was really bad for ladies

12. years brings together Danish people’s aid and the Additional Leaf to the single forsørgeres christmas eve. More than 14,000 have been looking for in years

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