The Parliament has not found a way out of the labyrinth into which the presidency of Laura Borràs has introduced it and it will be the Central Electoral Board (JEC), which meets on Thursday in Madrid, that will take the first step towards the recovery of normalcy through the predictable withdrawal of the minutes of deputy of the leader of Junts.

Nine months after her suspension, and when she has already been sentenced in the first instance to prison and disqualification, the parliamentary groups have not found a way to replace Borràs, who refuses to resign from his position, the second in the institutional order of Catalonia, to believe he is a victim of political persecution or lawfare.

Following the advice of the lawyers of the Chamber, who are based on an opinion of the Council of Statutory Guarantees that rejects the single reading when it affects fundamental rights or has a high technical complexity, the reform of the regulation proposed by the PSC to dismiss the members of the Tables that lose the confidence of the parliamentary majority will be processed as a bill. And even if the deadlines are accelerated due to the extraordinary urgency, it will reach the plenary at the beginning of May, when the JEC has already resolved the case.

In any case, taking into account what each of them said yesterday, it is not clear that the modification promoted by the Socialists will go ahead, since the Republicans, who consider it an “electoral maneuver”, warn of “chiaroscuro” which can cause it to be used in an “arbitrary” way.

Be that as it may, all the spokespersons, except for Junts, a group that did not appear in the press room yesterday, agreed that it should be Borràs who stepped aside out of responsibility and even out of “patriotic sense” or for the “love for institutions” attributed to the president of Junts, as the socialist Alicia Romero argued, with irony.

In a Solomonic decision, the reform of the regulations presented by ERC and the CUP, which also aspired to the single reading to approve it on April 18, will also be processed through the extraordinary emergency procedure. In their proposal, the two groups ask that mechanisms be enabled to prohibit hate speech and that delegated and telematic voting be regulated. Raised “in defense of the sovereignty of the institution”, this modification aims to neutralize the threat that the situation of Lluís Puig, who works as a deputy from Brussels even though his circumstances are not included in the regulations, entails the disqualification of any member of the Bureau to count his vote.

As in the case of Borràs, the deadlines have been thrown over them without the Parliament having undone its own mess: Puig will participate in next week’s plenary even though the Constitutional Court has ruled up to five times that he has no right to do so.