Morten Messerschmidts (DF) nearest employee has disclosed confidential information to a Danish lobbyfirma.

It happened during the tender procedure a contract for the scandal hit partialliance Meld and the related fund, Feld. Lobbyfirmaet won the tender and got the contract.

It writes the EU antisvindelkontor, Olaf, in a familiar orientation to the fraud squad.

According to the EU’s svindeljægere suggested Messersschmidts personal adviser, Kristian Wederkinck Olesen, exactly lobbyfirmaet to raise the price of the bid.

DF-the profile was at the time chairman of the Meld. The contract is for 125,000 euros (933.000 crowns) was in a controversial ad campaign on social dumping in the EU for the Danish people’s Party.

It was completed in april 2015, and paid with EU tax dollars via Sign and Feld.

’During the tendering procedure, passing to Mr Messerschmidts personal assistant, Kristian Wederkinck Olesen, confidential information to one of the three bidders on the contract, (Mathias) Holm Pedersen from Holm Communication.

Mr Holm Pedersen was even recommended to increase the price of the company’s tender,’ writes the Eu’ svindeljægere to the fraud squad (SØIK).

at the same time, Olaf, ’that the contract was not awarded according to the procurement procedure.’

Extra Magazine revealed on Sunday that during Olaf’s investigation found a fake bill in the Melds bookkeeping – similar to 465.625 kroner from a Danish lobbyfirma, Primetime.

The fake Primetime-bill relating to the same ad campaign for the DF – and the European Parliament has later stated that the aid was used in violation of EU rules. DF’s press office announces that no one from the party will be interviewed before the police investigation is over.


Advisor: – I think, damn, the price was raised

Messerschmidts then toprådgiver and confidential for many years, Kristian Wederkinck, recognizing that the price on the invoice from the Holm Communication to the Sign was changed long after that, lobbyfirmaet had won the tender.

Nevertheless, he rejects the accusations from the EU Antisvindelkontor, Olaf.

– I have not been told by the police that I should have disclosed confidential information in the bidding process, says Kristian Wederkinck. He was Messerschmidts nearest employee as a Sign-the president of the EU-profile.

Kristian Wederkinck confirms, however, that he via the messaging service, Messenger, asked Mathias Holm – co-owner of the Holm Communications – to amend the bill, as the company had already sent to the Sign.

According to the Wederkinck was it Melds the office in Brussels, who asked him to contact the Holm Communication. At the time it was Morten Messerschmidt, president of the Meld, and fellow party member Anders Vistisen was treasurer.

– I got an email from Melds the secretary-general, that need to be changed in the bill nine months after the campaign was run. It was strange, he says.

– Recommended you Holm Communication to increase the price?

– It may well be that I have recommended them to increase the price. But not in the middle of the tender procedure. Many months later, because I was asked it Melds the secretary-general. I think he called Michaël verbeke produced.

– Why would you withdraw the amount of the bill nine months later?

– I know I’m not. I sent it just on Messenger. I was asked to do one or other in the bill. Change an address and do one or the other at the price. I can’t on the spur of the moment to remember whether I should raise or lower the price.

– But if I must guess, then I think damn, he (Melds the secretary-general) asked to get it set up. In retrospect unbearable clear light, I must say, that I should not have done it.

Lobbyist: the Police have got everything

the DF’s ad campaign on social dumping in the EU was paid by the Sign and Feld and implemented by the companies Holm Communication and medieburauet Carat Denmark in the community.

Partner Mathias Holm from lobbyfirmaet of the same name confirms that he has communicated via messaging service Messenger with Meld-president Morten Messerschmidts advisor, Kristian Wederkinck.

So without going through the official chain of command at partialliancen Sign.

– of course, We have not changed on the invoice, he explains.

According to Mathias Holm went according to the rules, since the two companies won the contract with Sign and Feld in 2015. At the same time commanded the corps on a second campaign, as they have not won.

– SØIK (the fraud squad) has requested that all material be given to them, and of course, we have done. Also the communication in the Messenger, he says.

– Have you got the confidential information from Wederkinck, and it included an advice to raise the price?

– No, we have been invited with completely standard to both of them. So it has been two similar processes. The information, which has been between us, we have given to SØIK.

– So you have not got an advice to raise the price?

– No, we have won the second campaign on the offer we gave, which was a completely standard offer.

– What is your relationship to Kristian Wederkinck?

– It is a loose relationship, so it’s not a, I am seen with. I know him from 2007, when I was a student assistant at the bureau Gunbak PA.

– Will make contact between you and Kristian Wederkinck forward?

– SØIK have asked to have all materials handed out, and of course, we have done.

Sign & Feld

The european partialliance Meld and the related fund, Feld was in 2015 tvangsopløst because of the abuse of EU funds.

Former EU-politician Morten Messerschmidt (DF) was chairman, and fellow party member Anders Vistisen was a cashier at the Sign.

According to the EU’s antisvindelkontor, members have committed deception in order to achieve an undue gain to the detriment of the European Parliament’s economic interests.

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