The spokesperson for JuntsxCat, Míriam Nogueras, confirmed this Thursday that her party will vote early this afternoon in favor of the investiture of Pedro Sánchez after yesterday Carles Puigdemont’s party showed its discomfort over the morning speech of the truffled socialist candidate. of expressions such as “forgiveness”, “dialogue” and “reunion”, terms that post-convergents associate with the previous legislature and with the agreement between the PSOE and ERC of 2020.

In an interview in El Món with RAC1, Nogueras said that they will vote “yes” to the investiture after rumors spread yesterday about a possible abstention that would have extended the investiture plenary session until next Saturday. However, Nogueras did not want to confirm whether the yes was in danger yesterday and has limited himself to saying that yesterday “it was negotiated, today the negotiation continues and tomorrow the negotiation will continue” without explaining what.

Questioned about this discomfort, the independence spokesperson acknowledged that they did not listen to what they expected her to say: “We told her that we understand that when you talked about forgiveness you were talking about pardons and we would like to know what you think about the agreement we have signed and if you are willing to comply with it. “.

“What interests us is that what we agreed to be fulfilled and above all, as stated in the agreement with the PSOE, that things are very different from the last legislature,” warned the Junts spokesperson, who considered that in her response At the end of the day, Sánchez ratified the agreement, so his party’s yes is guaranteed.

Yesterday, the Junts spokesperson, in her response to Sánchez’s speech in Congress, reproached the acting president of the Government for talking about forgiveness and warned him to “not push his luck” while challenging him to say publicly if he is willing “to comply with each and every point of the agreement” with his party.

Nogueras has insisted, as he did yesterday, that the stability of the legislature will depend on compliance with the agreements with the PSOE but he has highlighted the commitments acquired by the socialists that are already underway, such as the official status of Catalan in Congress and the procedures to make it official in the EU or the amnesty, already registered in Congress.

In another vein and asked if the amnesty should include the case of the president of her party, Laura Borràs, sentenced to four and a half years in prison for splitting contracts and awarding them to a friend when she directed the Institució de les Lletres Catalanes, Nogueras has avoided responding explicitly, alleging “the methodology of discretion” that has been imposed in the negotiations with the PSOE and has pointed out that the law (of amnesty) “is not about people, it is about facts.”

The pro-independence politician has also explained that half a year ago the Junts deputies filed complaints for receiving death threats and has assured that “they must be alert” due to the atmosphere of tension in Madrid, where, as she pointed out, “they are not going to drink beers or make friends”. “We go to work and when we finish we come back,” she said after assuming that after “a few years of ostracism we now have more focus.”