A 33-year-old farmer held the night of Tuesday a long time awake. He kept watch behind the wheel of his tractor in the hope of putting an end to a minor spate of diesel thefts from its agriculture by Tommerup southwest of Odense.

It proved to be an effective strategy. A little before the bell 2.30 popped a 22-year-old man, up with the equipment to steal diesel from landsmandens large diesel tank. And so was the Hell loose on the Langstedvej.

It tells Hans Jørgen Larsen, vagtchef in the Funen Police.

The intruder did not steal diesel fuel. He had to capitulate, as the farmer drove his tractor into position. Photo: Colourbox

– the Farmer lay in wait, and drove his big tractor forward and escrow dieseltyvens escape route. We had a patrol nearby, and when they came forward, stood the thief and wait. He had given up, says Hans Jørgen Larsen, who say that the young man was not able to steal diesel fuel.

But it was clearly the intention, says vagtchefen.

Hans Jørgen Larsen reports that the intruder on agriculture could not possibly get past the tractor, with its much smaller vehicle.

He could, of course, have taken flight on foot. But it was far out in the country, and the property lay at the end of a long dirt road, so……no, it was damn fine enough, smågriner Hans Jørgen Larsen.

The 22-year-old fynbo will now be charged with attempt brændstofttyveri, and the police welcomes the fact that the farmers themselves took action.

‘Thanks for help’, writes The Police this morning in a brief twitter press release as a purposeful recognition of the farmer’s night work.