Extra Magazine’s predictions
V75-1: 6-7-1-2-12-11
V75-2: 1 (5-4)
V75-3: 8 (3-10)
V75-4: 11-10-12-13-9
V75-5: 2-3-9-6-5
V75-6: 7 (15-14)
V75-7: 6-2-8-9
300 dollars
(2 in V75-1) runs at nice times for the class, and startsporet is near-perfect.
(7 V75-6) is strong as a bear and will not get problems with the race to 2640 meters. I think it will be driven to the lead early in the race and then keep a pace, that makes the competitors do not come into the course
Tips: Mogens Jensen
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Christmas many V75-game started the night before christmas eve, in which players with seven correct downloaded a little over 400,000 dollars. From today, V75-races each and every day and with new year’s eve.
Ekstra suggestions for the game 1. christmas day is over. Sunday comes V75-game on a visit at the Charlottenlund trotting track. Extra Magazine is send directly from the races.
Here is the V75-round between christmas and new year
23. december: Mantorp – 8-8-8-3-9-3-9 411.559 crowns
25. december: Umåker program for the day of the race
26. december: Solvalla – program for the day of the race
27. december: Momarken program for the day of the race
28. december: Rommé – the program for the day of the race
29. december: Charlottenlund – program for the day of the race
30. december: Bjerke – program for the day of the race
31. december: the Pact