New it supplier leads to multiple digital mailboxes

It has become the it company I want to get, as from 2021 to deliver digital post from the public sector to citizens and businesses, after the task has been in offer.

It writes the Race in a press release.

– the Danes can look forward to a new, user-friendly and open platform that makes up the past monopoly, and which is adapted to the needs of the future and with a focus on high security, says André Rogaczewski, managing director of I want to get, in a written comment.

the Danes risks from 2021 to having to read the digital post in two different places.

the Challenge is that the e-Box of the day has the contract to distribute the public record. It will be so in the future I want to get.

The private e-Box also has a contract with a number of large private companies such as banks and insurance companies. The vast majority of citizens can therefore be read both their private and public post with the e-Box.

The new digital postløsning is developed such that the e-Box also in the future will be able to choose to show the public post together with the private post. However, only if the company wants it.

It is not yet to say what the e-Box decide, says the managing director of the company, Ulrik Falkner Thagesen.

– We do not know the terms or form in order to continue to display the public record.

– It is not clear to anyone, but we will try to go constructively to work, engage in close dialogue and wait for the announcement on the terms and the ideas behind, he says.

From Digitaliseringsstyrelsens page will be there regardless of the e-Box’ decision developed a new app for the public digital record.

the Risk of multiple digital mailboxes have earlier in the year caused quite a stir. Particularly in the older part of the population, where more difficult to read the digital post.

Earlier this year, asked the finance minister, Nicolai Wammen (S) the Attorney general to investigate whether provision could be made, so it was a requirement that mail from the public, private and landed in the same digital mailbox.

the Attorney general ruled in late august that the tender could not be re-opened.

the Contract for delivery of the digital item has a total value of 202 million crowns.

Digital post from the public will continue to be able to be viewed on the

About 4.4 million citizens, as well as all the companies use today digital item.

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