Have you smoked cannabis, it goes beyond your power of concentration and your ability to make decisions. And it can make it dangerous to drive a car.

Unfortunately, it can be challenging for law enforcement to prove whether one is affected by the substance, as the analysis can be time-consuming and imprecise. But it may be soon to change. It writes the University of Texas at Dallas in a news release, according to Science.dk.

Researchers from the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science has developed a new sensor that can measure the content of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in a person’s saliva in just one minute.

THC is the psychoactive substance in cannabis, and the researchers hope that by measuring the THC content in the saliva can pave the way for a new measuring instrument that can be taken in the use of cops in the style of an alkometer.

– To public safety applications are time critical. And, having evaluated the existing alternatives, we decided to develop a new tool that both quickly and accurately, explains Shalini Prasad, who led the new study, in a press release, according to Science.dk.

Prasad stresses that have long been able to measure the THC content in the saliva, but it has taken too long and been too complicated for a cop on the roads.

the Researchers behind the has previously developed a similar sensor that worked by analyzing the sweat. But the THC content in sweat can be measured very long and is therefore difficult to use for the purpose.

You can in advance also measure the THC content in blood samples, but it is also a time-consuming and intricate procedure, which can seem invasive of individual privacy, writes the university in a press release.

It is not apparent from the press release, if and when the saliva-sensor can be used, for example, by the police.

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