Although the president of the Confederation of Business Organizations, CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, yesterday rejected the statements of the Argentine president, Javier Milei, in which he called Begoña Gómez, the wife of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, “corrupt”, the Executive, or at least part of it, requires more steps. This is the case of the Minister of Culture, Ernest Urtasun, spokesperson for Sumar, who demands an apology from the CEO and her president for “laughing thank you” to Milei.

“This image of all businessmen surrounding Milei and laughing at them thanking them for the destruction they are doing in Argentina is absolutely despicable,” lamented the head of Culture in statements on La Hora de la 1, in which he considered that the CEOE and Garamendi “owe the country an apology that they have not yet given us.”

After also reproaching the PP for “not having been up to par” and taking a long time to condemn Milei’s words, Urtasun has pointed out that “there has been a lack of reaction” from other forces in Spain and this is where he has placed the Spanish employers’ association.

Sumar’s spokesperson has insisted that in addition to withdrawing the ambassador in Buenos Aires, a “position of firmness” must be maintained, since we must be aware that they “attack” the Spanish Government “for the policies we make.” “While we are expanding rights, Milei is cutting Argentine cinematography, attacking freedom of the press, attacking the freedom of expression of cultural creators and is destroying the Argentine economy,” stated the minister, who recalled that the Argentine president himself recently said that It is against social justice.

Questioned as to whether an attack on the wife of the head of the Executive is an attack on the country, Urtasun has insisted that it is: “When a foreign leader moves to the capital of another State, diplomatic courtesy requires a minimum.”

In another vein, Urtasun has also asked the Government to go further regarding actions against Israel due to the arrest warrant issued by the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court against Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes in Gaza. “Maintaining relations with the Netanyahu Government has become unsustainable,” defended the minister, who recalled that the human rights clause that would allow the association agreement with Israel to end, which, in his opinion, “should have been terminated, has not been activated.” activated already”. The head of Culture has also emphasized that Spain has contributed to the investigation of the Prosecutor’s Office of the International Criminal Court.